

Friday, January 29, 2016

Tree lives

"Millions of years ago,
a wind so strong passed over
earth.  In it's hold he had tiny seeds,
seeds that he let go for fear of
loosing them at the wrong place.
Tiny seeds just thumbled down and
took roots in the belly of the ground.
The ground looked at it and said
I will keep them within my hold, not
knowing that the seeds had to grow
and escape the hold of mother earth.
Mother earth said: "I will let you go
and you will grow beautiful, old & strong,
straight or crooked but your roots will
remain in me till the end of time....".

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Do not ask....

"Do not ask me...
yes do not ask me
for perfection.
I'm only a flower,
rather a gift of nature
not to put in display
but to cherish against
your heart. One day
my luster will fade,
I will not ask you
to look at me,
remember that together
we became one
until parting time comes

one at a time go our own way..."  

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Lovely to my heart

I'm sorry it's that I'm trying to put some music
to this Rose and I still can't seem to find the

Thank you.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

For two ladies...

This post is just to say thank you
to two beautiful sisters who put up with me
every time that I need some footwear. 
They are very charming ladies who do not make
you feel invading or show their disappointment
if you do not find what you are looking for.
Thank you.  Hope that next time I come to see
you girls you will have something special that
fits me and make me feel light on my feet,
even if at times I feel clumsy.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


"From mother earth,
magic palm and fingers
you pasted me,
caressed me from the
earth of my ancestors,
giving me thousand of
shapes and colors.
Somber or brilliant, huge
or small, round or shapeless
it did not matter, I was
your creation.
Time became your enemy
but my savior. You shaped me
to last for eternity, keeping
just a grain of me,
I will always be there for
you to see me..."

Look up....

"Together we shall stand,
time can be harsh or sweet,
but you looking over me and
I looking over you,
we'll find the way to STAY
together till the end of time..."

ps: if one looks closely we can see
a horse looking at it's future.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Crying clouds

"Let the clouds just fly by my way,
I'm waiting for them to cry,
I will be ready to catch each
fluffy crystal tear thus
creating an imaginary blanket
for earth to keep warm on this
cold wintery night ..."

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


I'm holding back my emotions,
not knowing how to keep my cool,
a miserable day seems to lay ahead
and I have no control of my emotions.
Do I say something or do I just keep
silent.  Will I bare repercussions or
feel so good that I will pass over any
What a day, no one is around to listen
to my cries or screams of frustrations.
I look at that door, hesitations are constantly
in the back of my head, trying to make
sense of these past days or future days.
Do I deserve such a treatment!
I can't really say, do I see a way out of
it, I really don't know. So this is the
dilemma that placates my time,
my reputation or even my sanity...

Maybe just maybe I will talk to someone
I just hope they have time and patience to
just sit with a stone face, because any
emotions they might show will draw me
back into the shell just like a turtle!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Thousands shades of white

These days with gray/white skies
you almost feel like not venturing out
to search for an image.  But cooped inside
is not my style, so I armed myself with an
umbrella and went to my favorite spot.
Usually there are all types of wildlife
but on this january a thousands shades of
white was my only consolation.
The pond is only half frozen, the trees are
lonely and no birds are present to keep me
What a funny winter we had so far....

Saturday, January 9, 2016


A touch of frost reached my heart,
nothing can warm it up.
Rocks surround my heart with a
weight that pulls me down & won't let go.
I ask, search, run with no avail,
my heart is still heavy under the frost
of my own creation I can't get rid of,
it's so cold that goosebumps are now
permanently present on my skin.
Why, can't anyone tell me why,
this dreadful feeling of frost won't leave me.
Might it be me, my stupidity or just
vanity in not believing what I'm told...
that my lover boy as gone to test further water
down the stream, leaving my heart encrusted of frost
that will stay with me for a long time.
Time will be my friend and warm me up,
but my lover boy won't leave again with that
frost, who eventually will melt away.
I will pick up the pieces and keep myself
warm and won't let anyone put frost around
my heart ever again.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Follow the river

A river like a snake will
capture your eyes and your heart. 
Mesmerized by it's charm,
you can only follow it's path.
Sitting on a piece of ice
you just let yourself go,
not wanting to close your eyes,
for fear of missing events that
will follow along with you
to the river's bed, a bed holding
a thousand and one secrets...

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Good morning/evening all

Hope all of you had great holidays for the
last two weeks or so.
Strangeness to go through a green Christmas
in a country were freezing and snow is dominant
for a good part of the year.
We all cried and cheered for the weather
outside our homes.  Some cheered of joy
for lack of shoveling, slipping and sliding.
Others cried for not being able to use their
sleds, skates or skis. But there's Murphy's law
that says: what goes up ... must come down
Now our streets and backyards are full
of snow, cars are parked any which way,
and people are complaining of the hardships
of winter.....
go figure what the human wants!

Today of all days

Today of all days
after a long wishing and praying
time for cold and snow weather,
finally my wish was granted.
Bundled up like a bear marching
through the Arctic tundra, I felt I had
a great friend following me getting
down from the warmth of the modern
day sled, my car.
Once my feet touched the ground
I'm still wandering if I can call it as
such.  A sensation of boiling blood
ran through my body.  The wind
owling, the sun blinding, the rushed
sun of ice hitting ice flowing down
the river realizing that like the
seagulls sitting there on a junk
of ice, I was waiting for a sign,
a sign that would hit me for a long
time.  A friend is a friend whom
you never turn your back to.
The seagull looked around waiting
for food that never came out of
the icy river.   When suddenly
the wind balancing a piece of
stale bread fell from the skies,
landing in front of the famished
gull who carefully brought that
piece of food under her wing,
her head bend & was satisfied to
know that it was her diner for the day.
All in all it lasted five minutes,
my fingers were getting frostbites,
my feet were turning blue and my
camera refused to snap other shots
for the cold and the owling wind....

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Path of life

"I may lay under thousands of puffy clouds,
waiting to catch a few drips as to embellish
my tree branches along the life for each leaves
that keeps me company.
The wind will blow big time sending tinny clouds
my way, the sun slowly will dry my faint tears
hanging tight to each limb I posses,
the moon will release it's shinning light,
expecting mankind will be smart and
appreciate my gift, LIFE in it's purest path..."

NB: Photo is from Mr.Antonio Gil,
Thank you Antonio for the use of this photo
of yours.