

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Do I dare....

Do I dare to look around me,
don't defy me and I will not dare you.
I am a poor soul in search of better
days ahead for I fear the rest of my
life.  I'm a rebel by nature and very
obstinate, like all females.  I can be
extremely tender towards a fallen
child, but I will loose patience with one
who will not listen.  I love nature
but I don't feel comfortable if nature
try to invade my life.  I love pets from
far away, so when I see a loose pet
I pray that they stay away from me,
but to no avail, they sense my
lack of love for them and as such they
give me a hard time.  I love to walk
bare foot, but I can't stand the hot
asphalt of the city.  I tend to look up
and as such find myself in precarious
situations, a hole, end of a sidewalk,
a shrub and so I can easily find
myself on the ground, but I can laugh
at the situation and myself.
So if you are like me, accept yourself
as you are and be happy...........

Saturday, May 28, 2016

She devil

Even she devil needs help,
help to get away from everyday
It fantastic to see that not everyone
has an easy life.
Hopefully the difference between me
and the she devil is that I can turn on
my a/c but not her.
I can slam the door and just leave on
the spur of the moment not giving a
darn of the ones left behind, but after
a while guilt assails me and return
back from where I ran away.
A she devil has to listen to the master
giving his orders, cajoling poor
innocent females to follow her and not
look back.  Consequences are not
allowed to ponder in the mind but
just do it and the hell with hurt, crying,
sobbing, laughing at oneself.
Oh I wish this poor  she devil could
find an escaping route, solutions to
remedy herself  if only she knew the
bad that she inflicts on poor  souls
like you and me....                                            

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I never let go...

It's late and my brain is mush,
my feet ache and my arms are
heavy from lifting junks around
the home. My hair is a darn mess
but the sun and the wind we had
made my day for working outside
and enjoying the freshness of
nature before the horrendous
heat of June and July arrive, and
that's when hopefully I will again
be ready to write and go on
photographic outings.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Ideas and dreams never die

Have your sound up & listen.

A germ is slowly growing in your mind.
You or me mortals are reluctant to try
what our brains tell us or commands us
to do.  We fear the reaction of our fellows,
we reluctantly take a step backward for
fear of retaliations, not knowing that the
other person feels the say way.
Unless one is disconnected from everyday
life, one can always remedy and find it's
way in the present and future.
The past we have no control over it,
we the future is all ours to explore,
to feel, to live and to die in it.
Was I younger and in perfect health
I would for sure love to join those
daredevils who after hardeous work and
training leave this planet and go for the
unknown galaxies experimenting what
me and you only can dream about
the exploration of the space around our
planet earth...

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Why did I put a running in the wind horse...
a feeling maybe or just the love for these
beautiful animals.
In my city many horses pulling caleches were
hit by cars.  But two weeks ago one of these
animals was hit by a car, then we saw the animal
get up and keep going. This horse was extremely
lucky that nothing major happened to him, while
others never made it.
Two more horses died on a race for the shear
pleasure for humans.  Poor animals one died of
exhaustion, the other fell and had to be put down.
Are we humans or crazy.
Let these animals run free!

A beach

"Bring me on a beach,
where freedom is abundant,
let the wind be my friend,
the peebles quietly take my
foot steps to another dimension
and washed by the gentle
wave until my next escapade
on a quiet beach day...."

Friday, May 20, 2016

Sense of honor

There comes a time when human loose
their human sense of honor.
What is a sense of honor, surely scholars
have debated this idea for centuries.
We believe we found a just middle then
all hell brakes loose and all human loose
that sense of honor.
From early in life one learns from parents
that to be a man you need a sense of honor,
so the child looks, sees, learns.
Growing up he tries that system that as
soon as they step in the four walls that we
call schools, bit by bit he that sense of honor
starts to crumble until there's nothing left.
Childs against parents, parents against childs
then there's those that are against their
families, then friends and so on....
Until we reach a period where there is no
going back and we are tangled in a web
created by ourselves but we blames the
others for it.
Like the song "I never promised you a rose
garden.... even if I shoswed it to you, you know
that in your life there will be a little rain sometimes.

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Today it a beautiful day
A day to remember
for the shear beauty & the
floating love in the air.
Today I swear I won't be sad
sadness is ugly when it
floats in my head.
Today I promised that I
would put on my oldest
walking shoes and hit the
road of the city.
I will find people who are
less fortunate than me with
their drums beating in their
head.  My dreams have stopped
for a while, I heart says go out
and enjoy the freedom that
exists in your head.
Maybe just maybe all the webs
will stop the drums from beating
just long enough for me to come
out of the drum beat concert and
say: I am stronger than the drums
and I will shut the doors of my
brain to it.  I will feel so much
better than the cacophony of
noise and I will live till I'm well
over a hundred spring, that is
only if I'm strong and accept help
from ex brain drummers.....

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Out of frame

Just wish I could put them all,
I have spent the hole day running
around streets to capture these flowers.

explosion of blooms

All around the cities we can admire
and enjoy an explosion of colors,
light and different shapes of tulips.
The marvelous flowers even if they
don't last very long it's the real
sign of spring, sun and warmth
after a long and dark winter...

Saturday, May 7, 2016


"Mom don't be surprised
if this year I do not present
you with a rose.
Times are changing and I know
that you would have loved
something different other than the
eternal rose. I know that you
understand that I too am getting
on with age but like you I try
to show it when I'm sad and
explode of joy when I am happy.
You in your eternal wisdom left
your legacy that I see in the
eyes of my own children and
grandchildren to become men
and women and do their own
destiny just like you and me.
TOMORROW I want to celebrate
in my own way "LIFE" just the
way you did when you were part
of our daily life.
I Salute you mom wherever you are
in the sky with a simple gesture
a tiny flower that you never saw
grow in your backyard....."

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Never ending Dusk ....

"Oh how I missed these show
of nature for the world to see.
Colors of sublime purity
painted on the skies right under
my eyes. No need for a master
painter or a can sprayed by young
ones. The easel is there, the
paint ready, the shadows,
highlights and soft breeze are
just around the corner to be
mixed and splashed for the
profane like me to try to steal
with a tiny box, that promises
to render justice... but to no
avail, mankind can't compete
with nature art, no matter how
hard we try".

NB: Extreme wildfires in the Province of
Alberta Fort McMurray, some photos
to make you cring from fear.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Look around

Beauty is all around
how many times did you stop
look and said silently:
"I'm happy to be part of this
world, compared to others
who can't even dream of
stopping and look around....".