

Thursday, August 31, 2017

And now....

And now ..... what do I do!
I feel for the generation that can't help
itself any longer.
Once they were (and some still are)
on top of the world, they loved life,
they grew up in harsher times, but
they never back down from their duties.
What do we do today with this generation
who have no scruples or conscience...
Well if you know one of these people
from another time, take care of them (if
they so wish), they are our past and
history, the inventors of today's commodities
Let's not close our doors and loose the keys
because one day we will replace these people
in the next generation's life.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Let's dance people
Yes dance until your head spins
your feet can longer hold you
snap your fingers to the sweet
sounds of nature or the craziness
of the man made one.
Dance, an expression of one's
feeling is free of charge and
no rules to go by.  You can follow
the steps dictated by your ancestors,
or just invent you own, who cares
if you miss a step or two.
But please dance it's a free exercise that
will reach your heart and make him
extremely happy.
OK let's dance until the end of time....

Monday, August 28, 2017

Goodmorning sunshine

What a glorious day it is when
we can scream "Goodmorning Sunshine".
The sun is glorious when taken in small doses,
it is a mind cleanser and places a huge smile
on young and not so young faces.
Look at this flower basking in the morning sunlight
saying take my photo and show it to the world
of sadness, misery but also to the sick who can't see it,
to the children who are starting school and won't be
lucky to look at it.
So little flower, here you are to the view of millions of

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Past and future...

When I was young
the world was all mine,
Now that I'm a little older
the world belongs to my past.
Will I live to see the changes
exposed to me by younger
people, I hope so, but only
if I am well enough to give an
opinion, I know that no one will
consider it, but then I have done
the most I can to better this world
of ours.....

Monday, August 14, 2017


Am I adventurous?
maybe and then maybe not,
I love to play and look,
walk and run,
talk and keep silent.
Bold colors are my friends,
I'm against conventionality
when trying new ideas,
but then not everyone understands
what I'm trying to show the world.
Am I pretentious,
maybe or
maybe not,
I don't pretend to reach a high
standard but then I do not mind
critiques that are worthwhile
because I love to try something new...
Were do you (reader) stand on this view?

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Ending escapade

Hi everyone, hope that you read what I wrote
of our weekend escapade.
We did enjoy our lovely escapade very much,
we had a ball at a local park, rented a four seater
bici contortion that was semi functional from
pedalling and the rest was electrical, but guess
my grandaughter who just got her driving license
insisted on being in charge of the driving.
OK all on board and we started to follow a
specific route, but not being used to it, we kept
going from one side to the other of the path,
honking to walkers, other bici riders who
noticed that we were just a crazy gang of teenagers
and mom and grandma having fun & did not
know the rules of circulation....
at one point we had to push it up hill, we had
to turn it around because we were heading straight
to a darn fountain, we took a downhill road to
arrive at a dead end and guess what we were
chased by the security guards on their own bici,
they taught we were either on drugs or we were
jolly from drinking.  They stopped us and we
said "Sir do you need to see our drivers license,
and just broke in a laugh, to the dismay of the
poor guards, they just said "no" and told us that
our time was up & had to bring the bici back...".
That was our best time of the escapade,  so back
to hotel, change and just took off for more
adventures with food, castles, roads & bridges,
fountains & more fountains, but still not many
people who spoke roman.  We did meet a nice
and very pleasant maitre D at a restaurant who
was so polite, spoke well Italian, enticed us to
stop and have a meal at the restaurant were he
worked and spent quite a bit of time eyeing my
two grandaughters.  He was funny, a bit clowny,
and a fine gentleman who offered us a great smile,
a rose to all four of us and a BIG FAT BILL.
Oh well it was really worth it, so I did not mind
paying the bill.
Last but not least, we ordered a taxi for the Sunday
morning ride to the airport, to our shock and
apprehension,  the ride was going to cost us
60 Eu. (remember we paid 45 Eu. for the same ride).
but on Sunday it cost 15 Eu. more.....
The driver was an excellent driver who could have
easily beaten any formula A1, running through the
street of Rome and the highway like a formula 1 race
car & we had told him that we had lots of time because
our flight was late in the afternoon.  When he left us
he looked at our faces (white from the fear of the drive)
and brought the fare down by 10 Eu.
DROVE US.  Did not understand much anyway.

They say "Home sweet Home" now I know how true it
is.... Well at least until our next Escapade - but we still have to
decide where we are going (maybe Alaska or Greece and the opas

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Escapade - 3rd round

"I'm back for more of our flash visit to the
eternal city"

"Well to my surprise the ride from airport to hotel
was a mere 43 Euro.  I did not ask the distance or
if it was a fixed price.  So being tourists we gave him
a tip, thanked us & said it was not necessary....
Our jaws dropped to the ground when we heard that
when does someone almost refused a tip?
but he took it, thanked us and speed away.
We checked in, took hold of our room and right
away took off to explore part of the old city.
We walked up hills, down hills, stairs so used
that had we not wore our walking shoes, many
times we would have slid down those stairs.
A statue here, a statue there, a fountain with
lots of water or a fountain that was dry, we saw
so many that now it's a headache to find their
names.  We stopped for a bite in a restaurant cafe,
and started again our walks.  But at 10:00 p.m.
we had it, our feet did not want to take one more pace
so slowly we headed back to the hotel, were after
a quick wash, we asked to be served a light meal
of the terrace at the fresh air with a view of the
city under a starry night.
Next day bright and early for the granddaughter
point of view, a quick breakfast and out  exploring
the main attractions, we have never seen so many
soldiers armed to the teeth on corners street.
But I have to admit they were very handy to ask
directions  when we needed directions to a
specific place that we wanted to go and see.
We traveled by op on - op off, and we did
enjoy it.  We dined and eat at little restaurants,
big restaurants, trattorias and I stopped counting
the bottles of frozen water we bought and drank.
We met people from Australia, Japan, China,
Africa, Sweden, South America, but believe it or
not we did not meet any European other than a few
Italians from the north.  Have I met a Roman,
I do not believe so.... I'm wandering were they were!

That's it for this session, so see you all for the last
session of this adventure very soon.