

Monday, January 29, 2018

What is better ...

Let's shake hands
once it was acceptable
today handshake
is as foreign as a smile
what have we done
is it we have created
germs or they were there
way before us.
Who cared if a child had
eaten sand, or shared his
meal with the family dog,
hands were made to be used
and just wiped as best as
it could be done.  People
were healthy and happy,
a handshake was a universally
agreement between humans.
Today do not touch me your
full of germs.  Why would
I shake your hands, you will
brake mine with your strength
or is it...
People have lost their common
sense and they claim they are
smart and well behaved.
Oh please let's go back to the
time of brotherhood and not
wanting to see the other dead because
he does not agree with me, you or them...

Friday, January 26, 2018

To a friend

Dear friend,
tonight that feeling loneliness
maybe I will find words to
help you out.
Understanding what you feel
for others and neglecting yourself,
is no reason to go by and live
a life of loneliness.
There's no need for such a feeling,
to be strong for the world is useless
since the world will go on no matter
what or how you feel.
Not everyone is made to have a mate
to walk along with you, give you
love and happiness as we know it,
or even a family to see you grow old.
Dear friend when I read your letters
I can feel your pain, your frustrations,
your lack of taste for life, but it's not
a reason to stop living.
Living is to wake up every day and
share it with the world. What good is
it to you if you can't stand to look at
yourself in the mirror.
It's useless, pointless and harmful to
the health of your sanity.
I'm not asking you to go out and
offer friendship to the first human or
animal that crosses your path.
I'm not asking you to become prisoner
of your four walls, but I am asking you
to stop, listen to your heart, open your
eyes to the beauty that is around you,
you might not like your body, but does
these days...
Never stop believing your yourself
but rather say yourself these words:
" I am alive and I will keep on living".
So my friend if you need my shoulder
to cry on, please just whistle, yell, call,
write or even a ring on my phone and
I will run as fast as I can to you.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Winter blues

"One loves to just walk,
fields are frozen,
tree branches cringe,
wind howl loudly,
sounds reach my mind
crying under each of my steps,
the air is crisp but good
enough to receive shadows
from above, until the sun
decides it's time to either
rise or lay down to sleep,
and I will keep on walking
on this land of mine for

Saturday, January 20, 2018


When feeling cooped,
go out and explore.
When the blues assails
you just stop and go out.
When feeling overjoyed,
bring your joy outside and
spread it to the world.
If you are lonely and sad
take your camera and
look around, you will be
surprised at what the world
looks like good or bad.
But if you need a hug,
don't ask anyone to hug you,
the world is mean out there,
so just take your TEDDY BEAR
and hug it tight, he will never
disappoint you ...

Monday, January 15, 2018

Walking with water ...

Mankind is born from water,
Lives in a watery life
not knowing or respecting water.
From a drop that traveled a
body it merges and embraces
it's counterpart and form a body.
The body grows, forms itself,
swims, drinks, and kicks in water.
Water if full of life and keeps
life in shape. That's why we have
a fascination for water.
Water just as it gives life can kill
also. It has a magnetic that capture
your attention and fear, your peace
and you defiance, all just for our
love of water.
Walking with or around,
in or outside,
water is what makes mankind.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Homeless wish

"To stand alone motionless 
is a search of my values,
to stand here is looking for 
my lost peace. 
If you see me like this, 
please do not worry,
I shall come back 
to the world 
when I am ready..."

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Not stars

Perhaps they are not the stars,
but rather openings in Heaven
where the love of our lost ones
pour through and shines down
upon us  to let us know that they
are happy.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Hello New Year.....

Hello everyone first of all let me wish you all


It's been a while that I did not write much,
but with the holidays, grandchildren and the weather,
believe me it has not been easy.
My old bones are starting to protest for 1001 reasons.
Too cold, too hot, too humid, too tired, well you get
the message,  One has to listen to the messages
one's body tells you.

Up until the 20th of December I complained that there
was not feelings, ambiance for the holidays, little did I
now what mother nature had in store for all of us.
It started to snow, snow, snow and more snow for
days on.  Then the deep freeze from the Arctic that
reached us for days, days, days and more days,
but then here comes the "Bomb Cyclone" I had never
heard of this expression and we only got the tail end,
but poor people who were in it's path it must have been
heel on earth.  Now the snow is back, BUT...........
guess what in two days we shall fall in spring time
weather with a +6 to 8 degrees C for ONE DAY,
then slowly up and down the scale of minus and plus
just to play with our nerves along with the freezing rain
promised for certain areas.

Do I need to dress up or down this week?
who knows.  Time will tell, so you out there take good
care and watch out for the "flu" bug.  Don't let the
freezing or warm temperature fool you.