

Thursday, May 30, 2019

What will it be

Today "marathon for children's hospital".
Unbelievable what these little creature endure,
go through or even the spirit they possess.
At times I question myself, what & why
do they have to endure the atrocities of
sickness.  Lucky ones manage to survive
and live a decent life, others less fortunate
suffer, are cut, bruises, deformed, blind,
etc etc etc and still they will make a comment
or have a faint smile that melts your heart
strings. Having had to be witness to such
cases in an hospital ward (granddaughter
with kidney cancer at 2 yrs old), she became
our strength to see that not knowing what
was going on, life in an hospital was normal
or at subsequent visits for her it was going
to see her teddy doctor or the lady who
picked at her finger and put a knitted
wool finger with bells on it's tip. We spend
sleepless nights wondering, wishing, crying,
learn to put a huge smile on our faces, sing
her baby songs, read her sweet stories,
then one day, she turned around and said
enough, don't cry for me, I will go alone
at the hospital I know the way now that
I am 5 years old.  That was our wake up
moment and from that day, we always
asked what she taught, what she would
do when she got older...
"I will come & visit the small children
and treat them like adults, they understand
or feel your feeling..." and that's what she
did TODAY at 21 years old she was at
the Marathon for the children's hospital
and told her story.  "Never despair but keep
hope live even if it's for one day only in a
life of a little child...".

NB: This photo is a little silly for adults,
but it represents a child silliness and dreams.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Why did I choose this subject tonight,
even my accompanying photo is not the
greatest in quality or to look at....
"Well talking about it (photography) is a
soothing period for the person behind a
camera to escape the good and the bad
of every day life style.
While you look, search, analyze the subject
that just caught your attention, your brain
starts saying stop, prepare yourself to take
a special interest & make something out of it.
See how you will want the result to look like,
so you turn around it, you elevate yourself or
(condition permitting) bend or kneel down,
focus and snap one,twice & a third time.
You change position & go through the same
process, your brain as blocked and stopped
the world so your concentration is fully at your
finger tips.  Who cares if people look at you
or wonder if you are sane or crazy.  Some
will say (that old lady or old man) has no
right to block my passage or bother them
to have to go around you. 
You are in a world where there's no pain,
no sorrow, no joy, no shame, no smart
or no genius, it's you and your camera
and that's what matter the most...
Enjoy what you do and keep on doing it
until you leave this world, because even
if physically unable to capture the world
with your camera, then your brain becomes
your camera for your everlasting eternal joy...

Monday, May 27, 2019

It's not our fault

Ponds in all north American alley
is very common these days to be found.
Our climate is sick & screaming for
help before it dies!
To no avail, humans are deaf,
blind and stupid.
They believe it's not their problem
to help life....
Even our most precious birds
songs are not the same crystal
We are killers of nature 
still believing it's not our fault...

Friday, May 24, 2019

Forest deepest

Deep in a green forest
all passerby left a mark
some will forget about it
others will come back
day after day to see if
they are still alive.
They are small or big
brightly colored or just
camouflaging itself in
nature.  They do not smell
good or bad but they sure
are a phenomenal sight for
the eye of lovers.  They entice
beauty, peace and colors
just as a human searching for
love in a forest of green or
black & white...

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


"There's absolutely nothing wrong being a romantic...
it's part of life". Let's sing praises to mother nature
romantic lessons to humans.

Just click here:  To listen...

Monday, May 20, 2019

Passing time

It's time for me to be honest,
I'm not a young bloom,
much time as come and gone,
my shine is nonexistent,
but still manage to capture
a few admirers.
I will continue to strive,
fight, be proud of what I have
become, there's no shame,
but joy and happiness still
in me to share with the world
defeating those who want me
to lay down and give up on

Thursday, May 16, 2019

A flower

"Do you know a flower
who is not stranger to
water, soil, sunshine 
or just turns around looking for
a moon ray shine.
Storm or rainfall,
a snowflake or howling wind,
even a scorching sun, or the
adventurous insect tickling, 
buzzing around it's petals, 
won't make it budge,
but just stands there never 
getting old while growing endlessly,
shedding petals knowing that 
new ones are ready to close
and open at the whim 
of the heat or cold, 
in the end the flower knows
that  it will be more beautiful
than before the passing of time...."

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Blowing kisses

I'll blow my kisses between the stars
so you can wear them around your heart.  
The sky will accept them all,
keep them hidden in the clouds
to catch the taste of the world before
sending them to you across the earth.
Each kiss you send me back
attached to a butterfly wing,
I will take it back and engrave it in
my mind.
Light of day, moon of the night
keep me tight in your arms,
my eyes will catch the glamour, 
so you can read all the love words
that I invented just for you, 
you are my love, 
you are my life, 
without you 
I would not exist....

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Big dream....

"Nothing  and no one
should stop
your dreams.
No human has the
power to kill a dream
even if they try it.
You on the other hand
can only decide how
big this dream will be,
work hard to achieve it,
live to full fill it,
and die happy of
having lived YOUR DREAM".