

Thursday, November 24, 2022

What to do....

That's a million dollar question?
What do you do when you realize
that the person you've been with for
the last 51 years has no more will to
live and is just pulling down everyone
with him.
It's sickening, it's sad, it's intolerable
since there seems to be nothing that
will take him out of the deep depression.
We try to talk, to reason, to be gentle
but to no avail.  Will not ask for help
but in a way kind of agree with him
since the covid period it's hard to get
in touch with doctors or even see them
face-to-face. A phone call is absolutely
not the same.  But what do I do?
Short of just letting him go down is own
path then I feel guilty.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Those who suffer

A cure was not invented yet
so in a soft whisper a voice
was heard, "come to me",

With tears flowing down our
eyes, you softly went away,
our love for you did not manage
to make you stay. A heart of gold
you were and you decided to 
stop beating, your hard working
hands are now still.  Our broken
hearts are the message that 
only the best are taken away
before their time....


Thursday, November 10, 2022


Peace to our young and old men and women
who to save our lives and world gave their own
What is my country going through these
days, no one really knows, is it greed, is it craziness,
or just people forgot what a war and suffering is....
Populations have not learned a lesson from our
deaths, we stood tall and took bullets, bombs,
shells, we sank to the bottom of dark oceans,
we froze to death on mountains that were not 
even ours, we stood side-by-side in trenches
days on, we suffered hunger and cried for lost
limbs.  We wrote letters to our mothers, fathers,
brothers, sisters, children, wives telling them
that all was not so bad...
Why am I yelling "STOP" you crazy fools
wars are destructions, killing of innocents doesn't
do nothing to better the world, it just distroys 
humans.  US under the ground, can't smell the
fresh air, the blue skies, the feel of a snow flake
on our faces, WE DON'T HAVE A FACE, we
gave it for YOU and only YOU.

Saturday, November 5, 2022


While time goes by 
nature itself is lost
to the craziness of humans. 
He who does not respect nature, 
nature will not respect humans
wishes and lashes it's fury upon
These days we see calamities 
all over our globe.  But still
humans do not get the lesson.....