

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hope for a future

Let me hope
that's the only
free wish for me
and my reflection.
A better life after
the sundown,
maybe tomorrow
will be greater
than what is at the moment.
I won't complain,
what's the use anyway,
but I will hope and sing
my songs to the world
and underworld ....

Saturday, September 28, 2019

No ending in view

Life is a flower
ending in a struggle.
It won't make international
news, but will constantly
grab availabilities
for surviving another day,
another hour,
another minute
and lastly another second
before all darkens following
the light to another life....

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Please maestro

“Please maestro,
have a seat and play 
on this batherred piano 
your best music
for these people who 
are brain trauma patients, 
maybe one note 
or one song 
can bring them
back to our 
world from their misery…”.

PS: Passed two weeks  near 

a loved one in a
head trauma dept.
and a real pianist came
and played the most
beautiful,soft and classical
music. Now you know why
I wrote the words up above

Thursday, September 19, 2019

To my friends

This short message is to say that:
"Having had an accident (my husband)
a week ago, I will be absent from the
site for a time..." Hope that you will
come & read material that you did not
have time to do before.
Thank you and wish you all the best
during my absence.

Sunday, September 8, 2019


Hello life
joy and colors
make your days.
Mine is not black
or yellow but full
of different shades
only certain eyes
can discern.
I turn feeling the
sun caress my face
my leaves catch the
rain quenching my thirst,
Oh my love come to me
count the seeds planted
by mother earth and grow
on my face. I'm always
ready to follow you,
right, left, center, just
show me your face and
I will turn for you to kiss
me, I won't stop until I
grow old and seedless,
then earth will receive me
with open arms in Flower

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Hello - I have to really stop and think
what am I doing that all is confusion,
confusion in my brain, in my heart,
in my taughts and emotions.
Am I getting so old to loose patience
loose an easy smile or loosing my
tongue for lashing at the world
of insecurities, 
Fancy gadgets are not to my liking,
dressing up or down well don't be
ridiculous who would look at me...
Being a peacock is not my style, 
I don't have much hair to try it.
My voice can scare all the birds
and children even if I whisper.
Dear o dear what as come of me,
age I suppose, but we are supposed
to live to over 100, well then
excuse me, if I can compete with
a scarecrow what's the use to reach
over a 100. 
Well readers, if you find that I'm
loosing it, just show me your stuff
and don't laugh at mine!