

Friday, November 27, 2020

Foolish me

How to be young and foolish in our
modern world is very easily done.
I jump of joy when I should give an
helping hand. I trust those who are
not worthy of my confidence, but then
I am the sucker who believes in all
stupidities that suround me blindly. 
This period is an eye opener when
death comes to your door steps fogging
all judgement and reasoning.  If through
the majority of your life you never 
respected a loved one or a faraway member
of the family, never gave them a call, 
never bothered to see them when these
were afflicted by sickness, deaths or 
misfortunes, why do you scream blue
murder if they do not put you on the
list of visitation the day that they passaway.
Why add miseries on those who are 
executing the death person wishes?
you are a bloody selfish who consider
yourself a "Primadonna" or "A rightous
person & demand respect".  Oh how I wish
to have a magic wand and just cancel you
from my sight so that I can mourn the person
in peace and quiet.  
My heart is bleeding due to your vanity and those
of your children who have no respect and as such
do not deserve my respect.  So respect and you will
be respected in return.  Your money does not appeal
to me, it's only paper,  but respect is a great virtue
which no amount of money can buy... 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Les cornes


Ne me nie pas ce plaisir de te
regarder dans ces reflets qui flottent
gentiment sur ce cour d'eau. Je me vois
comme au temps de nos amours, sans
prétentions, ni commentaires.  Tu me
laissais croire que j’étais l'amour de ta vie,
mais un beau jour tu est partis sans même
un regard, j’espère que tes yeux cacheraient
ta peine, mais moi je n'ai rien vu.  
L'eau qui moite ma bouche n'a aucun
goût quand tu m'embrassait éperdument,
tu me coupais le souffle comme un enfant
au sein de sa mère.
Je sais que j’étais vieux pour toi, mais têtu
tout les conseils pour sauve garder mon 
cœur je les aie bloquer et aujourd'hui 
je n'ai que moi même a me maudir...
Salut ma belle, au moins toi sois heureuse
dans les bras d'un autre, mais attention a 
les cornes qu'il peu te faire, car celles ci 
sont plus maudites que des baisers sans

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


"Life is an empty book,
turning white pages
leaves you unfulfilled.
Books are made to capture
your sense of joy, sadness,
adventure or other times.
What is time for a book,
it's words taught for you and me,
for the people who don't                       
know the difference and the 
essence of life, but that the 
writer tries to convince you
that he is right and you the
reader is wrong...."