

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Life is a bitch

My dear friends and occasional readers
you are wandering what's with my title
of this morning post.
Life is a real bitch, one is born with
all types of expectations may it be good
or bad and is out of our hands.  
The old tale, "Your life is written the
day you are conceived and marked by
the stars...".
Well excuse me if I do not agree with
this theory that I call all false and mis-leading.
People most 99.9% have lost all dignity 
and respect for life itself.  Just by what we
just went through, one would believe that
some reasons entered men's brain and heart.
But poor me in being so naive as to having
closed my eyes for such a long time.

Please come back again I will finish this
post with more diligence and fairness.

Friday, May 21, 2021


Today, May 21st has been 
a  scorcer. 
So what better way than
walking through an outside
garden of last tulips. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


No need for memories
when love is  present.
There is a shining light 
holding our precious 
moments.  We made them
so we know them.  We
can get old or stay forever
young our heart knows the
tune of the dance that was
Holding hands was a  passion,
twinkling eyes was our
private messenger, our 
quick or slow step was 
in tune with our sweeping
love that never left us and
we passed it on to our
following generations.
We pray and we hope
that it will be recognized
and cherished as we did
with unconditional love
to what was our legacy 
from our ancestors.

PS:  Dear reader,
I have a corner of my
heart that belongs to this
man, from the first song
of the 1956 to his passing.
RIP and hope not to be
annoying when I put his

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


Simplicity a word with a thousand meanings.
Simple is less rather than crowding.
Take a walk leaving your eyes roaming
the beauty of a spring day.  Nature is waking up
and blooming if we leave it alone.
The gentle rain or the wind with 
clean and straighten nature fruits just
beginning to grow.  
Simplicity will catch your wandering eye
to the smells or colors breaking the long
mono colors that was available for months end.
O lord let me be like that simple flower
and give you thanks for the good fortune to
be able to see it and enjoying it.