

Wednesday, August 10, 2022


A soft sound almost did not reach my ears.
I felted the need to to turn my head around
to search for the sound, but instead I just
moved my eyes at an 180 degree, so if the
sound was human it would not run, if it
was an animal whispering it would not stop
it's melody.
No such luck, I took another few  slow steps
careful as to where I put my feet not wanting
to disturb or crush the fallen leaves and avoiding
the cavernous noise that it would make.
A curious crow would jump between branches
calling its friends but they too seemed silent as
to not make and audible sounds. 
I searched the surroundings to no avail, life was
silent, the air chilled my bones, but still I could 
hear the sound, why do I still hear that piercing
sound, if I block my ears can I erase that sound
or is it me that is troubled by my taughts. 
I direct my eyes to the sky and it was a blinding
sun almost red or was it orange, I stop the 
inquiring and followed a strange light that
kept approaching me and hypnotized my senses
more than I wished for.  

To be continued... 

NB: Photo not mine

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