

Sunday, March 31, 2024

The princess

How someone start talking about a PRINCESS
surely she is not princess by birth, but who cares
our little princess just like you and me, grew up
with certain life values and at times I'm sure she
must have cursed what was taken right out of her
hands. A princess was never an easy lifestyle nor
a free spirited mind allowed.   
A princess is like a flower that can't smell or
bloom, it needs to stay in it's place. You look,
you listen, you can smile, but your not allowed
to make friends unless they are your same status
in life.
You may have gorgeous clothes, speak a very refined
language and play some musical instruments, but 
not publicise it.  You are under 24 hours surveillance
of every move you make with always the fear of 
making a huge or small mistake. 
Just imagine if this little princess gets sick, all heaven
breaks loose.  You are painted as a bad homen of the
castle, you are not fit to be accompanied by a young
royal or even less to dream of bigger dreams. 
You're always the outsider of dreamed of being a 
princess but had the bad fortune of having a falling

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