

Friday, June 28, 2024

Broken road

It's been just over 5 weeks that I have lived
with strangers on my street which comprises
3 homes, and an elementary school.
Yes strangers with bulldozers of all shapes and
sizes, screeching worse than any imagination
or comprehension. The dig, they break (my friends
you the reader) can't or won't know the meaning
of breaking asphalt, cement, 80 years old water
pipes, that supply at least a mile in circonference,
but my neighbors believe that's not their problem
or care for my miseries.  Who do you call or
complain, not the workers - there are doing their
job, the city - well those pipes needs to be replaced
without asking our advice how to do the work
with as little of inconvenience as possible to the
taxes payer.  No sir, they just show up and start
at 07:00 sharp on a darn monday morning.
And this is how I FEEL ...

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


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There was a time when children listened to their
parents without arguing. 
This is a story of a love from a genius 
to a less educated partner who
have shared 6 years of their lives and just broke
their commitment to marry in two weeks time 
from this post.
The girl was extremely smart, but really 
extremely, always under the tutoring of her 
parents and grandparents since her birth.
She had a very regimented life and being
super smart finished university well before
a normal person would.
This young professional started her career,
met a young man who had a career also, 
but less glamourus. It was suposedly love at first sight.
Why would a young lady fall for love when 
she was just starting a pronominent career...
Both young and beautiful, they decided to go
and live together (the dolce vita) the fast cars,
the dining and outings almost daily. One set
of  parents either guessed or sensed that not
was all rose and peaches.  But the young couple
did not listen to reason.  Can we blame either one
or both, outsider don't know the full story behind
closed doors. We only know what we see and 
what they want you to see.  Which is also 
a good thing that can turn very ugly if one
can't help you.  
Old school is that nothing should come out
that can damage either component of the
couple. Parents always have a tendency to
find a justification for their persective child,
even if it is wrong. 
How can you fool a partner who is blind to
your vile life or ideas.  Is it worth it to try
to smooth days and nights with lies (I BELIEVE
in both sides of the couple). Is it worth it to
keep going on when you know that at first
chance you will turn your back and start looking
elsewhere believing that your present partner
is a fool or a dummy with lots of money.
Preparations, guests, invites,all the trimmings
were ready for the big day, until you get a
strange phone call says. 

No one knows the 5 "W"
but everyone is left just wandering....