

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Autumn feelings

NB: This photo belongs to Mr. Roland R Kemler

Let the rustle leaves of autumn sing to me,
the gentle breeze blowing scents reach my
senses and running water chants it's
melancholic tune break through my
foggy brain.
Let's dance the autumn waltz
that bends the boughs of trees, leaves under
our frenetic steps with the yellow harvest
coloring reflected in our eyes for the
squirrels & lonely birds to watch and
laugh at us.
The sky painted streaks of blue with rosy
blush, crimson reds and yellow hues along
the cricket's tune reflects the world's
symphony, of scents and harvest moon over
starry eves and songs of destiny,
it's our world with autumn's vibrant majesty
for you and me to cherish & preserve
for eternity.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Californian friends

To my Californian friends
I did not dare to even try to
reach you people.
Believe me not because I did
not think of you.
In the hard time that you are
still going through, it was not
the moment or the place to
reach you.
You guys had enough to worry
about and I pray that your losses
are only material. 
Material losses can be replaced
but not lives.
On this American "Thanksgiving Day"
I wish I could have been there with you.
Please do not despair, but give
thanks for your life.
Will get in touch, once I hear from you.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


NB: This photo taken from Internet - should owner not
be in showing agreement, please just let me know I
will take it down. Thank you.

Why have I taken this retro photo?
I have 3 great-great aunt who early 1900 left their
mountain village in south-east of Italy and try
their fortune in the "America", land of wealth and
opportunities, so it was said, by people who had
managed to go there but for a reason or another had
to return back home.  At least those who made it back,
in those days people had to sell their bodies,soul and
minds to be able to more from one country to another.
Most families struggled to let go of their husbands,
sons & daugthers who were left behind would pray
to see them again or hoped to see them alive.
Those who came back were either sick beyond
possibilities of recovering their health, whatever
economies they did would not be enough to cure
them back  in their home country.
Poor people looked upon as slave they were
looked upon as aliens.  Most wanted to turn around
but without money for the passage, they had no choice
than to bear it.  Their lives were regarded as non humans
beggars and as such maltreated.
Slowly, working, begging, slaving, they made some
progress and organized themselves for the future of
their children, forgetting they already had a family
at the old country.
Now here I am looking, searching, digging, into their
lives, questioning who they were, when did they arrive,
how was their lives, did they suffer, had they a chance
to laugh at times, or was it always misery day in - day out,
do I still have roots in the old country or was it all
destructed by the two world wars, a heart quake or a natural
How can someone search for that passage of time if I do
not even know their births,marriage, death dates. 
Can or do I have a right to know it...
Mainly all this search is to find out
and where do
surely not to judge them of their past actions
that impacted my life today.

Monday, November 19, 2018

No peace

Let me wonder why,
yes wonder of peace
non existence.
True we all proclaim ourselves
child of peace, but to what
avail, since we keep killing
Some of us who believe in
peace are discouraged from
believing in it.
We only need to look at our
own families to see the
non existence of peace.
I stopped asking myself if
the word still has a meaning
or if with time it's just part of
a vocabulary found in books.
I do hope for the sake of the
new generations that
still has it's original meaning.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Madness is a great word.
It's a state of mind of genius,
misunderstood by peers.
It attaches to you and holds
you tightly.
You can't shake it out,
but true madness is seen
only by others and not by you.
You have great days and not so great,
you fear the night and despise the day,
Left alone you cope,
but in company
you hate it.
Who is more mad,
the world.
Maybe if the so called normal person
would stop and think twice
he would not judge and just let you
live your life.
Between you and me
we are both mad to try to prove the
other state of mind.


Saturday, November 10, 2018

100th year

"Like a bright star sleeping
on a shadowy and clustered field,
now you know that you
are always believed in.
Wherever you lay silently
today is your day,
your fellow friends and families
are crying for you.
Time is passing
but not forgotten
we easily turn the page
on those days knowing
our hearts are still bleeding
for you my friends,
please make space for me
now that time is calling
me to finally join you
after all these years..."

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The flag

It might be just a translation from an Italian writing
and a little bit early, but please read it and if
you are like this person who has lost someone,
please just go & talk to them, I'm positive that they
can hear our taught and words.

"I can't seem to shake this solitude,
that follows me through taught and sorrow,
days keep following one another and
they do not get brighter.
My despair is visible and unshakable
to the eyes that follow me.
I kept on walking, running, slowing down
praying to find you but to no avail.
My feet took me over rivers and ponds,
mountains and forests, rainy days and
hot days but they remained empty and
Were are you,
who is your companion,
are you ok,
do you at times think of me.
I remember autumn was just over,
with trees shaded of their green dresses,
that you eyes met mine who where shinning
like gold diamonds, your lips so softly
touched my wet cheeks, some leaves
were dancing around us, even the sky was
changing color, a light drizzle was falling,
when a detonation  took you away without
leaving me a piece of you.
I can sit here and wait, wait and wait,
but only this tiny flag knows where you and
your beautiful smile is, bur for sure not here with me.
Rest wherever you are, I will be back and with
tell you what I do in trying to find you
every day of my remaining life...

NB: This image is from a local cemetary and
hope not to offend the memory of these young
people.  Should (You) object to see it here, please
let me know & I will take it down.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


This is an example of my heart
falling apart with no remedy
of healing. It was hole, valuable,
loved with the exception
of material matters
that my surroundings
figures it as invaluable.
Why is that,
no changes took place
just stupidity of humans
who don't value
well being of others.
Now fallen and in pieces
not amendable
I will just let course of
life take over and rest
in peace away from malice,
tears and STUPIDITY.