

Thursday, June 30, 2022

People disappearance

Since our lives changed in the last 3 years
there seems to be a shortage of capable
working people.  
Were are all the people who were fighting
for a job or would be anxious of loosing 
their posts.
I do not believe that these baby boomers all
decided they had enough.
Just I don't believe that the population are
excessively rich and not concerned about
their financial future.
Something is wrong... what did all these
people win a lottery to be financially solvent?
What about children needs and their
education, the teachers have vanished...
Humans are a very weird specie.  They are
never happy or sad, they except everything
to be served on a silver platter, or do they
believe that money will fall from the trees or
the sky and as such do not need to earn it.
I will not influence anyone to do what my
generation had to go through, but then 
please do not come and cry to me that
you can't make ends meet.  


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

How long...

How can I count the time that has passed
since you last came into arms?
These arms are tired of waiting, 
they need your warmth, strength, 
protection and hold me tight to your 
warm body.
A traitor does not run or hide, he bloats
his cowardness and spitful reaction to
my sight.  
With which right do you use those looks, 
what have I done that you can't stand 
even the sight of my shadow?
did you listen to the snake's two tongue,
that now fills your days and nights?
I'm just wandering what when wront
from your heart to mine in the space
of 24 months.  Now with your tail between
your legs, how dare you present yourself
and ask for my understanding of your little
escapade.  No, thank you, I prefer to return
to my spiker webs and continue the long wait
for a gentleman to pass by who will know that
my heart is in million pieces and needs more
than a feint smile and lies to calm my rage 
and my lost passion for the love of my lost

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Crying for the world

There's no use to shed tears,
I'm too old to cry,
my face rivals rivers paths
full of tears shed by humans
who is made of stones without
a bleeding heart. I, in my old age
can affirm that each and everyone
of us have felt shame, disgust,
rage, compassion for our friend's
nation around the world who can't
stop crying for help, for a crumb
of food but we are too stupid in
responding either for lack of time,
lack of understanding or just lacking
compassion. Do not close your eyes,
or your ears to falsities, to your
well being without thinking of your
brothers and sisters who are suffering
from the wombs of the earth and are
calling for YOU and ME for a helping
NB: This video is not mine, if you 
recognize your work please email me
& I will give you credit.