

Friday, December 6, 2019

December 6th 1989

Today December 6th, 1989 (30 years ago)
around 4 P.M. started the massacre of 14 young
engineering women.  Their only crime for such
a death was being a WOMAN.  They were at
the university of Montreal in the engineering
faculty when a young man bursted in the classroom
asked the male students to go out and started
shooting at the female students, then walked out
and started shooting at more students.
It was a pure and simple a crime against female
that lasted 20 minutes or so.
At the end with his own semi-automatic gun killed
himself. Crimes against female is still strong today
around the world, it has no class, no ethnicity, no
age barrier, no one is safe unless society takes full
responsibility and says 'END' this war against
These young women are crying from their graves,
seing that their death did not stop this nonsense violence
still going on today. Politicians, look at their pockets,
manufacturers it's their balance sheet on gun sales that
counts, everyone is good at talking but no one is good
at stopping it... these women are not here anymore
but WE are and WE are doing nothing....


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