

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

My little angel

My womb was the angel's home,
The moment she took over my body
I knew that the time was long to pass,
how I loved this tiny creature
growing in my body no one will ever know.
She spread her wings to tell me to slow down,
she would kick if I became lazy, she wanted
to move around.
Somersaults were her specialty until
tiredness took over, then she would suck her
thumb in silence giving us time for resting.
Oh my little angel don't ever forget me
tell your friends to be good to you,
otherwise they will deal with me.
Little angel with golden hair
let them blow at the whim of your desire.
Let no one tell you that those gorgeous
blue eyes were not the mirror of your               
keepers eyes. Let me share a tear or two,
that is what I can do.  My arms are empty
and cold, my heart is heavy and full of
sorrow. I can feel your caress when you
visit me even dough I can't see you.
There my angel be happy and free in
your world and never forget me, remember
that I can't see you, but I can feel you.....

NB: At this time of the year, I feel sad for
people who have lost a newborn child.
May mother and child love each other
without putting a distance between their
love. My own mother lost twins at 8 months
pregnant. I still recall the sadness one could
read in her eyes.  Hope now they are all 
happy in heaven.  

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