

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Future holding of 2023

Wish I had prepared something a little
more original to WISH A HAPPY AND
Unfortunately I don't have great belief
in my own wishes.  The world is upside down
and humans also.  
But let me think positive at least for this 
transitional night.    

Sunday, December 25, 2022

On a silent night

On a silent night a new born arrived.
Peace was palpable in a furious and 
bostorious town.
Why is it so silent to be almost scary
and unusual time in early winter night.
Chimneys can be counted by the 
release of white smoke and went to 
the sky on a starry night.
I dream or is it a sweet melody that
I can hear or is it just an imagination
from the old tales of my grandmother.
I wonder the streets confident that on
this silent night no harm will fall on 
me, I feel protected and confident that
that on this silent night only good hearts
roam the street of this silent night in
a silent town.

PS: Photo not mine, if author recognizes his
work, please let me know to give you credit.  

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


On a misty night engulfed
in silence only my taughts
were wondering around.  My steps
had no directions, my eyes no views
just a mist dancing around me.
Why did I leave my heaven to
run after dreams that will never
materialize.  The whistling of a gentle
breeze mixing with the heaviness of
the mist, my body kept going and going
on without counting the steps or
the tiredness of my old bones.
Sundowns are for young lovers who
still have faith in their future, the
warmth of the sun going down is
not enough for me.  So I stop counting
steps, I kept on my normal pace to
eventually arrive at a destination that
is not mine or is it...

NB: Photo not mine but if owner recognize
it please send me an e-mail & I will give
you full credit.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


What do I have to loose,
since some of my dreams I
have renounced, of my body
I have never paid much attention.
Now that the age has finally
reached me, only my soul is
still in the air transported to 
the thousands whims of the
wind.  I can scream, I can 
put up a tantrum, but no one
is there for me. I hide like
a rabbit in my hole and fear
the unknown world.  Do I
keep dreaming or do I just
put an end to this miserable
life.  A little star one night
fell from the darkened sky
put a light and a twinkle
in my eyes that really showed


Monday, December 12, 2022

Searching the sky

Not one star is adorning the sky
for company tonight.

The moon is slowing disappearing
behind thousand clouds
shading the world in darkness.

Alone I shine 
while the night dominates 
until the daylight appearance
making it's  slow arrival.

You are like the moon 
that shines in the sky 
on a starless night for all of
us who dare lift our eyes to the
blackened sky. 


Thursday, November 24, 2022

What to do....

That's a million dollar question?
What do you do when you realize
that the person you've been with for
the last 51 years has no more will to
live and is just pulling down everyone
with him.
It's sickening, it's sad, it's intolerable
since there seems to be nothing that
will take him out of the deep depression.
We try to talk, to reason, to be gentle
but to no avail.  Will not ask for help
but in a way kind of agree with him
since the covid period it's hard to get
in touch with doctors or even see them
face-to-face. A phone call is absolutely
not the same.  But what do I do?
Short of just letting him go down is own
path then I feel guilty.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Those who suffer

A cure was not invented yet
so in a soft whisper a voice
was heard, "come to me",

With tears flowing down our
eyes, you softly went away,
our love for you did not manage
to make you stay. A heart of gold
you were and you decided to 
stop beating, your hard working
hands are now still.  Our broken
hearts are the message that 
only the best are taken away
before their time....


Thursday, November 10, 2022


Peace to our young and old men and women
who to save our lives and world gave their own
What is my country going through these
days, no one really knows, is it greed, is it craziness,
or just people forgot what a war and suffering is....
Populations have not learned a lesson from our
deaths, we stood tall and took bullets, bombs,
shells, we sank to the bottom of dark oceans,
we froze to death on mountains that were not 
even ours, we stood side-by-side in trenches
days on, we suffered hunger and cried for lost
limbs.  We wrote letters to our mothers, fathers,
brothers, sisters, children, wives telling them
that all was not so bad...
Why am I yelling "STOP" you crazy fools
wars are destructions, killing of innocents doesn't
do nothing to better the world, it just distroys 
humans.  US under the ground, can't smell the
fresh air, the blue skies, the feel of a snow flake
on our faces, WE DON'T HAVE A FACE, we
gave it for YOU and only YOU.

Saturday, November 5, 2022


While time goes by 
nature itself is lost
to the craziness of humans. 
He who does not respect nature, 
nature will not respect humans
wishes and lashes it's fury upon
These days we see calamities 
all over our globe.  But still
humans do not get the lesson.....

Friday, October 21, 2022

Nature's fire


Fires that captures the imagination
and pleasure of the photographer is
nothing compared to the show put on
by nature.  After a harsh summer heat or
a lousy weather for days on, the animals
start to leave for warmer pasture or for
reproducing then here comes the explosion
of colors, bright red, oranges or light green
mixed with darker colors, it creates such a
painting that not even the MOST famous
artist can even come close.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


The tree of life is 


Do you see a piece that is intact

what will it take to make it hole 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Wish upon a cloud


Will a wish upon a cloud bring me something?
What could I wish that mother nature could
be king and gentle enough to me.
I'm sitting down on a grassy patch in a city park
looking at the sky and day dreaming about 
absolutely what I could expect from the sky.
A shy sunray caresses my face and I feel happy
to be alive, while a gentle breeze softly moves
by gray hair and shows all the highlights of 
my graying status to the world to see. I do not
care anymore if the world will say "who is that
old lady and why does she enjoy life under
such a gorgeous blue sky with gentle giants trees
showing the old leaves putting on their best parure
to the world.  I'm not a painter so I can't render
full homage to the beauty that my eyes are feasting
on.  But all presents are short lived and before I know
it I have to leave this paradise oasis and return to
the reality of life that is waiting for me....

Monday, October 3, 2022

Autumn season


Autumn is a season of death 
and colors. For humans autumn is the
best time of the year to leave this world,
in a fashion of colors that no painter
can try to achieve.
Nature itself starts the sleeping ritual,
the sheading of it's life and gets ready to
sleep and gather it's strength of regiuvenation.
Never fear as long as there is a seed of life
it will germanate after a long wintery sleep.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022



What a phenomenal word is 


Not all know the true meaning until
we are faced with the stupidity of humans.
Beauty, the real beauty, is the one inside
hidden from viewers but felt by the
surrounding feelings of a beautiful heart,
We can marvel, we can comment and
at times even disregard beauty just
because we are incapable of accepting
that it is not ours and are envious of
those who posses this quality.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Apache blessings

Let the sun energize you during the day,
moon sweetly regenerate you through the night,
let the rain wash away your preoccupations,
let the wind blow energy in your being,
may you walk the world
and appreciate it's beauty
every day of your life.

NB:  This translation as accurate as it can be
is never 100% what the real taught is...
So please excuse my translation. 


Wednesday, August 10, 2022


A soft sound almost did not reach my ears.
I felted the need to to turn my head around
to search for the sound, but instead I just
moved my eyes at an 180 degree, so if the
sound was human it would not run, if it
was an animal whispering it would not stop
it's melody.
No such luck, I took another few  slow steps
careful as to where I put my feet not wanting
to disturb or crush the fallen leaves and avoiding
the cavernous noise that it would make.
A curious crow would jump between branches
calling its friends but they too seemed silent as
to not make and audible sounds. 
I searched the surroundings to no avail, life was
silent, the air chilled my bones, but still I could 
hear the sound, why do I still hear that piercing
sound, if I block my ears can I erase that sound
or is it me that is troubled by my taughts. 
I direct my eyes to the sky and it was a blinding
sun almost red or was it orange, I stop the 
inquiring and followed a strange light that
kept approaching me and hypnotized my senses
more than I wished for.  

To be continued... 

NB: Photo not mine

Saturday, August 6, 2022

What have we done...

Destruction by humans is a known fact.

No one really cares that we are going down
the drain.   How so, do you ask:
Humans do not have RESPECT, 
when you lack respect you have not values.
Humans are stupid and in their stupidity
they loose themselves.
Nature is fed up so it's letting us, 
"Hey wake up otherwise I will show you
what I can do to wake up us".
The sun is melting you & still you don't 
believe it's force.
I will continue and maybe if we all put
our heads together we can find a very
minimal solution ....


Monday, July 25, 2022

No food for me

Where is my food these days.
Men is a mean creature in my book,
it's destroying my playground, my 
food, my home.  Flowers are becoming 
so rare that I labour to find nectar to 
replenish my body before the long journey
home. I believed in mankind to be generous
and helpful towards my life, but such was
not the case. Burning, cutting, destroying my
food and home is so hard for me to accept,
that I know I won't make my trip to reach
my original birthplace. Why do I search, must
I really just laydown and die...


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Single Flower

"If I had a single flower
 for every time I think of you
I would be able to walk 
forever in my garden that
bears your name. I try to keep
it as you left it, there's no
hardship that will stop me
from taking good care of it.
You left a single flower in
your garden to remind us
that life is lived one day
at a time and we are SPECIAL
and unique in this garden that
we call earth".

Thursday, June 30, 2022

People disappearance

Since our lives changed in the last 3 years
there seems to be a shortage of capable
working people.  
Were are all the people who were fighting
for a job or would be anxious of loosing 
their posts.
I do not believe that these baby boomers all
decided they had enough.
Just I don't believe that the population are
excessively rich and not concerned about
their financial future.
Something is wrong... what did all these
people win a lottery to be financially solvent?
What about children needs and their
education, the teachers have vanished...
Humans are a very weird specie.  They are
never happy or sad, they except everything
to be served on a silver platter, or do they
believe that money will fall from the trees or
the sky and as such do not need to earn it.
I will not influence anyone to do what my
generation had to go through, but then 
please do not come and cry to me that
you can't make ends meet.  


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

How long...

How can I count the time that has passed
since you last came into arms?
These arms are tired of waiting, 
they need your warmth, strength, 
protection and hold me tight to your 
warm body.
A traitor does not run or hide, he bloats
his cowardness and spitful reaction to
my sight.  
With which right do you use those looks, 
what have I done that you can't stand 
even the sight of my shadow?
did you listen to the snake's two tongue,
that now fills your days and nights?
I'm just wandering what when wront
from your heart to mine in the space
of 24 months.  Now with your tail between
your legs, how dare you present yourself
and ask for my understanding of your little
escapade.  No, thank you, I prefer to return
to my spiker webs and continue the long wait
for a gentleman to pass by who will know that
my heart is in million pieces and needs more
than a feint smile and lies to calm my rage 
and my lost passion for the love of my lost

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Crying for the world

There's no use to shed tears,
I'm too old to cry,
my face rivals rivers paths
full of tears shed by humans
who is made of stones without
a bleeding heart. I, in my old age
can affirm that each and everyone
of us have felt shame, disgust,
rage, compassion for our friend's
nation around the world who can't
stop crying for help, for a crumb
of food but we are too stupid in
responding either for lack of time,
lack of understanding or just lacking
compassion. Do not close your eyes,
or your ears to falsities, to your
well being without thinking of your
brothers and sisters who are suffering
from the wombs of the earth and are
calling for YOU and ME for a helping
NB: This video is not mine, if you 
recognize your work please email me
& I will give you credit.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Angel Flight

I'm sorry I did not know that
you would leave us in a blink of an eye.
I forgot to tell you a million times 
that I loved you so much that  
my heart broke in pieces that day.  
There are no words,.
 no amount of tears,
no screams, 
bagging head or just
a sound that keeps me alive
until I see your lifeless body.
Where are you my angel...
you just took flight with those
wonderful teachers and friends. How will
I live now that you are gone, who will
come and kiss me so that I could shower
you with my warm kisses.
A chair is empty, your  room is now closed
to the world, where I go and lay down,
never wanting to leave it. You said: "Mamma
I have so many dreams for you and me 
when I'm a little older, I swear I will take
good care of you...".
Dear son/daughter now you pray for us
down here on earth.  
You are my loved angel, be good wherever
you are and pray that we survive this
darkness that has engulfed us. 


Wednesday, May 18, 2022

If I could change ...

How strange it is to be sitting behind my computer
and don't have to worry about a fall ending my life.
These days are very harsh and difficult for the human race
who don't want to be disturbed in their routine.
But please don't you care that I who is a pensioner
can't meet both ends. If I want to drink water, I have
to assure myself that it is boiled for a few minutes,
there's lead in our city pipes.  If I want to eat proteins
there's a great price in meat, vegetables, that I just can't
afford.  I'm too old to use a bike and too dangerous due
to the state of our city roads.  Let's not count the price
of gas for my little car, from a 25 dollar full tank to now
52 dollars, so I let it sit.  Then I will need a new pair
of walking shoes and they cost an arm and a leg, INFLATION.
Do I have to pay for the AIR THAT I BREATH on a 
daily basis.
If I could change the world I would go back to the ancient
days and the law of the stronger to survive.  Today you 
just can't SURVIVE  or die because it's too EXPENSIVE    . 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022


Hello friends from nearby and faraway,

It's been a very hard month for me and 

it's still very excrutiating pain that I still

carry on my right hand up to the elbow.

Can't drive, can't dress without some curses,

can't sleep and I'm not a painkiller medication.

So hopefully once I have x-rays at the end of

next week some physiotherapy will help me

and just can't wait to come back again to 

this site.  

Thanks for your support and get well messages

that I received by private e-mails, and since it's

too hard for me to personally thank each and everyone

of you, I take this opportunity to say THANKS.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Hello everyone


My dear friends even if very late I wish you
all had a tremendous and joyful Easter holiday.
I will be back as soon as my hand and arm feel
better since my fall on palm sunday I can hardly
use my right hand at all and don't wish to force it
until the doctor gives me the OK.
PEACE to all my dear friends and I promise to be

Wednesday, March 30, 2022



What will I do,

where will I go,

What should I expect,

Who will smile at me today,

What will be my response,

In my uncertainty and my



follow the flow of life

do nothing to mess up my daily

routine, without thinking of those

who don't know what awaits for 

them from minute to the other.....

Friday, March 18, 2022

For Someone


Someone will always be prettier. 

Someone will always be smarter.

Someone will always be younger

But they will never be you...

or this one (not my words obviously):

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dream of
Once in a lullaby, oh
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dream of
Dreams really do come true-ooh-ooh
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops that's where
You'll find me, oh
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
And the dream that you dare to
Oh why, oh why can't I? I
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top that's where you'll find me
Oh, somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dream that you dare to
Why, oh why can't I? I

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Stop, think & meditate

When you have 
day in - day out on your 
newspaper, radio, tv, politicians,
your computer, tablet, phone,
friends, parents
just close everything and take
a walk in the fresh air. 
Otherwise you will loose your
marbles and you will not recover
them easily.
Believe me you will see and comprehend
what we are living these days.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Women day solidarity

 I don't know who you are 
or where you live.
I don't know what your tongue
speaks or what color is your skin.
I do know that this world is for
you and me if we trust each other.
We are made the say way of bones
and flesh, a gorgeous or a plain face,
tall or short, thin or large,
if we stay together
and protect one another.
Dear sisters, mothers, grandmothers 
stand up this is 
and no one else. Let's not stop to this
day but make it a WOMEN's day
all year long.

PS: graphic is not mine but if author
recognizes itself, please let me know.

Sunday, March 6, 2022


When humans believe they are creators
of the universe and deserve acknowledge
for the creation of it but will not accept  the
consequences of when the world shatters in million
of pieces following by wars with destructions
for the poor's and immense fortunes for the riches.
Wars and peace are such antagonist words
that only fool fully believe.  Wars are for
men to play with madness and their mothers to cry,
peace is for children to dream of, if they
make it through the horrors of war....  

NB: Photo not mine if author recognizes himself
please let me know & I will give you full credit. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Are they still valid?

I really don't know how these words came to
mind while reading my daily newspaper. 
Maybe it's the fact that there is not a day that
we don't read or listen to WAR, demonstrations
and the inaction of the western world.

So here are the words that jumped in my mind:

1) Yesterday is history (man kind forget it).

2) Tomorrow is a mystery (that is if I'm still alive)

3) Today is a gift (but at what price).

That's it for today hopefully our brothers and sisters
can take care and stay safe.

NB: This is a toy but real ones kill & destroy, no one
knows how it feel unless you were besides the real

Monday, February 28, 2022

When the world looses it.

Dear friends I am so sorry and
mad at the situation that we are living
these days.  It's maddening that now
that we are seeing the light at the end
of the tunnel for the covid pandemic
here that we start another mind boggling
fear of war. 
No one who has not passed it through
would, will or imagine the lives of these
people who are loosing not only their
country but also their lives or have to run
away to other countries to survive.
Are politicians human beings or monsters?
do they sleep at night or stay up to   
think of how to steal, kill, rob, and then
claim that all is done in the name of a country.
When brothers against brothers, fathers are
in the middle and have to make a choice
to let go their loved ones and they will
stay behind to protect and safe keep their
birth land, when you with a gun and the 
others with tanks, I can only think of 
the story of 'David and Goliath"....
Who will win in our modern time???

Let it stop!