

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Dangers lurks on every walking moment
on an absent mind. 
Dangers follow every steps you take
there's no sound to warn you,
shadows are silent and nature
keeps on sleeping. 
No birds are awake,
very few leaves are dancing tonight,
animals are fearing your steps
but will not hide, curious to see
a human not chasing them away.
Suddenly a chill on my spine 
warns me that danger is ahead
my eyes are fearless commanding
my brain to keep on going, where to
I still don't know.... the music is
stopped and I just stand slowly
falling victim to my daily demons
created for me and by me....

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Humble for always.

Music of Thanks for the dance...

Thanks for the dance

I'm sorry you’re tired The evening has hardly begun Thanks for the dance Try to look inspired One two three, one two three one There’s a rose in your hair Your shoulders are bare You’ve been wearing this costume forever So turn up the music Pour out the wine Stop at the surface The surface is fine We don’t need to go any deeper Thanks for the dance I hear that we’re married One two three, one two three one Thanks for the dance And the baby you carried It was almost a daughter or a son And there’s nothing to do But to wonder if you Are as hopeless as me And as decent We’re joined in the spirit Joined at the hip Joined in the panic Wondering if We’ve come to some sort Of agreement It was fine it was fast We were first we were last In line at the Temple of Pleasure But the green was so green And the blue was so blue I was so I And you were so you The crisis was light As a feather Thanks for the dance It was hell, it was swell, It was fun Thanks for all the dances One two three, one two three one

NB: Photo is not mine, but this spring I
will go & take a photo that will be mine.
If author objects - just leave me a note
will remove it.

I just found out he is resting in my city.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Peace on earth

On this 24 December, only missing 6 minutes
to midnight, I feel secure and protected
in my little corner of the world.
The world is either quiet or full of turmoil
but comes 11:59 all men of good will,
animals and sea world stops for that minute
and peace descends on us all.
Let there be no sickness, hate, killings,
jealousy disturb that one minute awaited
by all.  Look up at the sky and say with
your mind, your body or anything that
you like.  'THANKS, TONIGHT I'M ALIVE...'

Monday, December 23, 2019

Warning from an angel

When the angel comes
be ready to listen to her/him.
On a daily walk by the river,
way down by a little stream
there was this little formation
screaming to me.
I could hear a sound,
but never turned around,
I saw shadows that blinded me,
but kept on walking.
I stumbled on a piece of ice
and then I saw the little
angel laughing at me
for not paying attention to her
I picked himself up with a
red face, took my camera from
the ground, hoping it was still
functional (and happy it did not
land in the stream) and snapped
a couple of shot at the icy angel
thanking her in silence for showing
me that I am not better than anyone
else ...

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

My little angel

My womb was the angel's home,
The moment she took over my body
I knew that the time was long to pass,
how I loved this tiny creature
growing in my body no one will ever know.
She spread her wings to tell me to slow down,
she would kick if I became lazy, she wanted
to move around.
Somersaults were her specialty until
tiredness took over, then she would suck her
thumb in silence giving us time for resting.
Oh my little angel don't ever forget me
tell your friends to be good to you,
otherwise they will deal with me.
Little angel with golden hair
let them blow at the whim of your desire.
Let no one tell you that those gorgeous
blue eyes were not the mirror of your               
keepers eyes. Let me share a tear or two,
that is what I can do.  My arms are empty
and cold, my heart is heavy and full of
sorrow. I can feel your caress when you
visit me even dough I can't see you.
There my angel be happy and free in
your world and never forget me, remember
that I can't see you, but I can feel you.....

NB: At this time of the year, I feel sad for
people who have lost a newborn child.
May mother and child love each other
without putting a distance between their
love. My own mother lost twins at 8 months
pregnant. I still recall the sadness one could
read in her eyes.  Hope now they are all 
happy in heaven.  

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


In the depth of the night
when all is covered of silence
lights dance in the darkness
mesmerized by the flames
dancing around me
tantalizing my eyes and feelings.
I can't stop them, for fear of
loosing this moment.
How I've reached this point
without any effort, just by
shear imagination of mine
in the darkness of the night.
I let you go on this night
I waved at your dancing away
from earth, leaving me
behind to catch all your breath
to make them mine, your
shining tears caught in my
hands to cherish in darker
nights. No words for now,
one day when my anger at
loosing you, I will cry my heart
out imploring you to come and
get me to be with you, you
gave me the fire of life and
I wanted it back in your arms.

Friday, December 6, 2019

December 6th 1989

Today December 6th, 1989 (30 years ago)
around 4 P.M. started the massacre of 14 young
engineering women.  Their only crime for such
a death was being a WOMAN.  They were at
the university of Montreal in the engineering
faculty when a young man bursted in the classroom
asked the male students to go out and started
shooting at the female students, then walked out
and started shooting at more students.
It was a pure and simple a crime against female
that lasted 20 minutes or so.
At the end with his own semi-automatic gun killed
himself. Crimes against female is still strong today
around the world, it has no class, no ethnicity, no
age barrier, no one is safe unless society takes full
responsibility and says 'END' this war against
These young women are crying from their graves,
seing that their death did not stop this nonsense violence
still going on today. Politicians, look at their pockets,
manufacturers it's their balance sheet on gun sales that
counts, everyone is good at talking but no one is good
at stopping it... these women are not here anymore
but WE are and WE are doing nothing....


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The horse

What are we doing to our animals.
Our friends need a voice,
Juno here is a gentle animal,
very affectionate and also intelligent.
A fully white and only a touch of
color on his mouth and huge sad
eyes. I asked around as to who was
the owner to no avail.  I gave an apple
and his ears perked as if saying "are
you going to fed me again soon". 
he was shivering and with a messy
mane, wished I could have brought him
home with me. I continued to pat him,
talked to him, and fed him more apples.
Finally with broken heart I snapped this
shot and just drove away.  Silently
Promising him that I would stop by
next time I'm in the area with more
apples and carots.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Return to sender

In the mist of the night
deciding to leave me behind
I let you go my friend
for other pastures and competing
friends  Remember that the window
of my heart is also open upon
your return. I promise you no scenes
of jealousy for fear of loosing you again.
Even holding you back
not knowing to stop
your race, now I die in
million pieces for I miss you
so dearly.  I look and search
the black sky with no sights
illuminating it. Clouds are
great to play with on daylight,
but they are not you my friend,
I sit and wait, I sleep and wait,
I run after you and I'm still waiting,
my wait will end the day of your
great dance at the edge of my
heart, come back soon, I'm still
waiting for you....

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Crying Rose ...

Hi everyone...
When I started this project on the ROSES,
never taught about a great lady.
Norma Jeane Mortenson 
better known as 
Marilyn Munroe
We all know her story
good or bad, she was like a rose,
a rose that breathed, lived, cried
just like you and me.
We remember the famous photo
of her dress blowing,
we also remember her faults,
she was made of flesh and blood,
like you and me. When she passed away
broken hearts she left behind,
especially one such man true to his 
love for her until his own death 
in 1999, Mr.J. DiMaggio arranged for 
the next twenty years from the passing
of his loved Marilyn, to have
fresh flowers (mostly roses) 
put on her grave on a weekly basis. 
Someone, somewhere created 
a rose called the
" Marilyn Munroe" rose.
and I believe it's this one...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Heaven's music

Just go to listen please:

Music like this you will never
hear it again in your life....
It last 7 minutes
Enough time to reach heaven
and not want to return to earth.
I just spent an hour listening to it
and it's blowing my mind away.

Sunday, November 24, 2019


happiness and sadness
go hand in hand but only
in my wildest dreams
when I am lost in thought
My emotions are intertwined
so tight in a knot,
I can’t stop thinking with
my mind constantly racing
faster than the wind zooming past a crowd
I hear a voice in my head getting loud and
my mind multi tasking all at the same time,
but I can’t seem to control it.
It's like a horse running wild,
a deer slowing down for a rest
deep down you may feel something
but it's appearance is so different,
wishing to experience what other feel,
so that I too could finally get it.
My life is a maze, if I adventure in it
all seem familiar yet I just can't find my
way trough it. 

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Where are you

Where are you,
how did you get there,
why do you appear,
then disappear?
You adore to play
with humans feelings,
shaming who ignores you.
Mercy me for turning my
head when you look at me
with those bright eyes
but you lost the pleas of
my lover. How can I
convey the dancing words
of my heart if you keep
loosing our messages.
It's easy for you to be
in my heart and within minutes
in my lover's heart, mocking us
for our believes that you are
our friend.  Oh moon, Oh moon
I detest you when you appear
but I cry for you when you
don't show yourself.  I'll
blow kisses for you to carry
over the ocean and deposit
them in my lover's sleeping face.
Do not loose them on your way
to his room, gently place them
on his lips for him to taste my
lips even if at distance....

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hello snow

"What a sight it is,
the virgin white snow
that came down at night
just for small children to
watch with their eyes
full of sleep.  
Silver flakes light the
sky, dancing around
like night flies.  
Oh snow why come at night
knowing that I can't come out.
Will your presence still be 
there when the robin wakes
me up, please don't go away
I will embrace you,
feeling your freezing touch on my
bare feet. My hands red from
cold is nothing compared to 
your touch.  Delicate
and freezing, silvery and watery
tickling my red nose knowing
full well the joy of being your
friend for quite a while.
Be patient and will be there
with you in the early morning
hours, just you and me before
the world awakes and breaks
the magical spell between us...."

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Blue sky

Under a red or a blue sky I walked,
unaware to be the last,
alone I was not,
my trench bodies at my side
looking all at the unique red sky,
knowing full well
that it could be our last sight.
We ran,stumbled and ran
some more,
where to, no one knew.
Objects were coming down rapidly
blocking our runs it did.
One by one down we went,
sand,smoke and fire burning us
piece by piece, not feeling pain,
but luring each of us to crosses
that stood ready to receive us...
People. let not our shed
blood be invane, it hurts immensely
to leave this world for you
not to appreciate our parting,
we are long gone, but you
should keep our memories
alive & not be the ones to
write these lines over again....
month: November
day:     11th,
hour:    11th hour
of 1918.
Plus subsequent wars since then.

PS: this is for both my grandfathers who served
& passed right after the 'great war', but also for
uncles who served on the second and all others

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Remember US...

In Flanders Fields - John McCrae


In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
        In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
        In Flanders fields.

Monday, November 4, 2019


They call me STONE.
Looking like a stone is a hard life,
keeping a stone face is even harder.
I'm bypassed, assaulted,
frozen and broken all at once.
On all sundowns or sun ups
I loose a piece to time.
I, in a way have, a heart
in seeing humans,animals
spitting, kicking,escalating
me all the time.
I can cry or shine but my
favorite time is I become a
pillow to lovers.
I do not understand my life
here where I have no saying
other than just endure it and stay quiet....

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sunny autumn day...

Words are not available or they just
stop in your throat at the sight of
a golden autumn day at the park.

Just wish I and you (reader) would be at this fantastic 
place and be greeted by a gush of wind and leaves. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Anthem by Leonard Cohen

Why this song makes my heart cry
and can't stop.
Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack A crack in everything That's how the light gets in
by Leonard Cohen....

The anthem  

The birds they sang at the break of day Start again I seem to hear them say Do not dwell on what has passed away or what is yet to be. Ah the wars they will be fought again The holy dove She will be caught again bought and sold and bought again the dove is never free. Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack A crack in everything That's how the light gets in. We asked for signs and the signs were sent: the birth betrayed the marriage spent Yeah the widowhood of every single government signs for all to see I can't run no more with that lawless crowd Ah but they've summoned, they've summoned up a thundercloud and they're going to hear from me. Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack A crack in everything That's how the light gets in You can add up the parts but you won't have the sum You can strike up the march on your little broken drum Every heart, every heart to love will come but like a refugee Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack, a crack in everything That's how the light gets in. Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack, a crack in everything That's how the light gets in That's how the light gets in That's how the light gets in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Misfits of nature - not true

After reading on Human misfits article (Jean Vanier author)
“They were seen as misfits of nature, not as human beings,” 
he wrote in his 1998 book “Becoming Human.” 
Living in their midst allowed him to
 “recognize and accept my own weaknesses and vulnerability. 
I no longer have to pretend I am strong or clever or better than others.”

I jolted down my own words,

Today having a couple hours to myself
deciding,  should I go out or stay in
and reflect on life.
Life is a strange emotion given us
the instant it's created.
The XX and XY will determine the sex
and thus starts life. Can there be an
anomaly, sure that it does happen.
Was it accepted in other centuries,
maybe yes - maybe no.
Persecutions, violence, maiming,death or just
abandoned was normal throughout the centuries.
Are we more advanced today than 100, 500, 2000
years ago?  some might say yes,
but those persecuted will say no. 
We judge, discreetly or not, but we still judge.
If I'm not good in my skin, I will make
efforts to accept myself, then presenting
myself to the world as I really am.
Do not judge me for what I look like,
but judge me for the courage I had in
showing it to you.....

Monday, October 7, 2019

Sorry for mess

Dear valued friends,
I have been in a mess
with my personal life &
with this blog.  Today I
found out that "Blogger or I"
cancelled the guests counter that
came on this blog.  So now
I'm starting again at "0".
Thank you for your
understanding.  Have a great
day wherever you are on
this planet earth.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hope for a future

Let me hope
that's the only
free wish for me
and my reflection.
A better life after
the sundown,
maybe tomorrow
will be greater
than what is at the moment.
I won't complain,
what's the use anyway,
but I will hope and sing
my songs to the world
and underworld ....

Saturday, September 28, 2019

No ending in view

Life is a flower
ending in a struggle.
It won't make international
news, but will constantly
grab availabilities
for surviving another day,
another hour,
another minute
and lastly another second
before all darkens following
the light to another life....

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Please maestro

“Please maestro,
have a seat and play 
on this batherred piano 
your best music
for these people who 
are brain trauma patients, 
maybe one note 
or one song 
can bring them
back to our 
world from their misery…”.

PS: Passed two weeks  near 

a loved one in a
head trauma dept.
and a real pianist came
and played the most
beautiful,soft and classical
music. Now you know why
I wrote the words up above

Thursday, September 19, 2019

To my friends

This short message is to say that:
"Having had an accident (my husband)
a week ago, I will be absent from the
site for a time..." Hope that you will
come & read material that you did not
have time to do before.
Thank you and wish you all the best
during my absence.