

Wednesday, December 20, 2023



Memories is a book to be looked at 
when your mind is not fully with you
or in your capacity to control it.
Why do I approach this subject one week
before the most memorable day of the 
nativity celebrated around the world by
some and hated by others.
Is it a mith, is it a story, 
for the believers it's sacred, 
but for the non believers it's a
story that should not be even considered
let alone celebrated.
Do we really need to put a name or a
face on these readings, personally I do not
believe so.  I tell myself that there is something
somewhere that has the strings of our 
being born and destinies.  It's not up to
us to try to figure it out.  But it's our duty

nb: These are my and only my taughts. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023


always running,
running to nowhere,
running to meet people,
running to strange places,
running to my doctor,
running to my favorite spot,
running to see if I can catch my dreams,
running to try and slowdown in life,
running to keep peace in me...
One day I will stop running,
and wondering why I was always

Friday, November 10, 2023

Nov.11 ....


Oh how I wish I could  bring back
all my friends that I left behind years and years
ago.  But also my friends who have fallen 
recently for their love of their country.
Not one day goes by that I don't hear about
lost lives to the hands of wars.
Today like yesterday families are broken, 
devastated, exterminated for some idealist
individuals who do not care for the price
humans will pay, for no other reasons,
hat the world can't live together.
We are like this seed that the wind blows 
around and destroyes without discrimination.
If you fall, no one is there to help you up, no
on the contrary they will finish to exterminate
you with no pity.
This is our November 11th created by humans...                       

Thursday, October 26, 2023


What a strange life humans have.
 There is no conclusion and no
what's not. It just happens and you
or me can't do a darn thing about it.
The only conclusion is the birth of
a human and even there on certain
occasions it's not legitimate (rape).
How many will there be of these
births... With sad events that are
going on on this planet these days.
I just don't want to be like a robot
who looks,listens and become indiferent.
But then I say "Who would come to my
help" should something this horrible 
happen to the people who are ellite
and don't even give a consideration
to these tragedies.  All humans are not
perfect, but FOR THE LOVE OF 
HUMANS, it should stop and stop
very fast otherwise we all will land
in a filled up trench just the not so long
ago past.

Friday, October 6, 2023

It's midnight

it's my nostalgic period.

Maybe it's too late. Sometimes I even hate myself for loving you
Trying to be strong then nighttime comes along and I start loving you
Wanting you. Where is all my self control I'm burning way down in my soul
And needing you, and wishing I could be the man, I try to
Hating me for wanting you to be with you knowing you don't love me like you used to
But it's midnight, Oh and I miss you
It's getting late and I know that's when I am weak
Funny how things have a way of looking so much brighter in the day light
I ought to go to bed to try and straighten out my head and just forget you
Oh but it's midnight yes and I miss you
It's getting late and I know that's when I am weak
Funny how things have a way of looking so much brighter in the day light
I ought to go to bed to try and straighten out my head and just forget you
Oh but it's midnight yes and I miss you
It's midnight and I miss you

NB: photo not mine if you recognize it please let me know and I will
give you full credit for it.

Friday, September 22, 2023

"My boy"

By now most of my readers know that I have
a penchant for ELVIS PRESLEY. 
One needs to appreciate the talent of a person
and not what he did or did not do with his life.
By searching his repertoir I came across a song
that I remembered listening when my dad died
years and years ago.  I must have gone a hole 
box of klenex and played that song for hours
until I just fell asleep and since that day never
played it again until last night.  Why some of 
you may ask... I just received some bad news
of one of my in-laws will be placed in pagliative
care or end-of-life hospital, and we all know
that when a person is placed there, their time
on this earth is very short.

So here are those words and link to this song:

You're sleeping son, I know
But, really, this can't wait
I wanted to explain
Before it gets too late
For your mother and me
Love has finally died
This is no happy home
But God knows how I've tried

Because you're all I have, my boy
You are my life, my pride, my joy
And if I stay, I stay because of you, my boy

I know it's hard to understand
Why did we ever start?
We're more like strangers now
Each acting out a part
I have laughed, I have cried
I have lost every game
Taken all I can take
But I'll stay just the same

Because you're all I have, my boy
You are my life, my pride, my joy
And if I stay, I stay because of you, my boy
Sleep on, you haven't heard a word

Perhaps it's just as well
Why spoil your little dreams
Why put you through the hell
Life is no fairytale
As one day you will know
But now you're just a child
I'll stay her and watch you grow

Because you're all I have, my boy
You are my life, my pride, my joy
And if I stay, I stay because of you, my boy

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Best

God saw you getting tired
but a cure was not to be (medication abuse)
So he put his arms around you and
whispered "Come to Me".
With tearful eyes, we watched you
and saw you pass away
and although we love you dearly
we could not make you stay.
A Golden heart stopped beating,
hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
HE only takes the best.

NB: Photo not mine, if author recognizes 
it, please let me know, and I will give you
credit for it.

I choose this photo because this man
was suffering and people around him didn't
manage to save him, 
(I hope they tried to reason with him),
but  maybe it was his destiny to just pass,
leave us his legacy and then leave.
God bless you, your daughter and grandson.
You were, you are and you will always be

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Time and love

Loves takes lots of time
and a sea of patience,
to find the right forever person.
Tonight Lady Moon is fully
shining on me after chasing me
and reaching me on an oasis in
a desert but it was only my 
imagination since I was in my
dark and lonely room.
My thoughts wandering like
a wave in a dark sea to finally
find the shores of your heart to
revive the lost love. My heart might
be broken but stuburn as I am, 
I will never give up. I'm like a 
fish calling the moon to come down
and show my lover my swollen eyes
I feel like a fish in love with a seagull
wishing I could fly on his back to 
reach your hands and put them on my
face holding you close in a tight
embrace, kissing your warm  and
passionate lips asking the sky to stop
the time to cease for me to slowly
die in your arms....

Monday, July 24, 2023



The possible is already done
The impossible is in course
As for miracles
please expect a 48 hour delay.

This is what politicians are telling
us these days as a result of all
types of temperature craziness
that are going around the world.... 

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Hello there...

Hello there, it's been a wile since I came to
see if I could write a few verses or feelings
on events that touches my heart.
Unfortunately, maybe due to the extreme
heat and forest smoke it seems that my brain
does not have the stigma to think or even less
to write.
Does it affect everyone like me at this time,
who knows...
But I truly miss to exercise my brain to stop,
think, write about my curiosity for life itself.
Not knowing if I make any sense in all this,
I just let time take it's course and see where 
my landing will be.
Life is a state of mind, when it's stops there's 
nothing one can do to make it revive.
So friends until I am fully in accord with
my feelings, my ideas, or my stupidity, I will
walk around with a paper and a pen to capture
what my brain will gift me...

Not even my camera is responding to my 
searches so I go back to the nature shots who
do not require much imagination. 


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

White tears

What am I doing sitting on this hard chair
behind a stupid screen instead of drying 
the cold and harsh tears streaming down
my old ravaged face from the tears that 
I let go 52 years ago on the 4th day after
my wedding night to a monster who did
well in hiding is upbriging, is sickness,
his week spirit and conditions that were
instilled in him from the day he saw the
Stupid me for not having rebelled, for not
having told anyone (not even my parents)
in what a web of deception I walked in.
No one had the guts to tell me what they
knew, no one had the decency of being
Who put their heads in the sand and just
hoped for the best - for him and not for me.
Is a revenge at this stage - worth it,
but then I have 3 gorgeous children and
2 granddaughters, I look at them and my
rage melts down.


Friday, May 5, 2023

Master's accomplishments

Colors are the master accomplishment
of mother nature at spring time.
No painters, no genious and no artificial
intelligence can match what we get for
free from nature, but not all humans know

Sunday, April 23, 2023

What we had

What the two of us had was inconceivable but very special.
One of those unforgettable rapport. I'm over the moon to have
encountered you and spend sleepless nights and stolen 
time during the days, that made us both extremely happy.
Now that we both agreed to put an end to it, I would wish
him all the best that life can offer him in his new adventure
of marriage but not with me. I do not hold grudges because
we both new and consented to enjoy the time (5 long years)
time that I had with him was real and genuine.
We had ups and downs, we shouted, yelled at one another,
but after a few days we were together talking,writing,laughing,
exchanging gifts with no regrets.  
So my lovely lover, enjoy your new life and, and only when
you are alone with your taughts, maybe just maybe you can
remember one minute of those five years. I loved you and
still today love you for what you gave me on a silver platter,

Monday, April 17, 2023

Bright star

I talked to the skies of you and how
gorgeous you are.  They in their  
curiosity they just listened to me
and smiling to themselves.
I talked to the ocean and it just
listened to me, caressing and just
lulled me.  I talked of you to the 
clouds, the rainbow and at the 
whole world, remembering the
softness of your skin, of the intense
green of your eyes, when a strange
voice from the darkness was asking
me .. who was it that had capted my
heart?  and my honest answer was
IT'S A STAR, my bright shining star.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Spring colors

 I'm still waiting for the explosion of 
spring colors. Days are gray and miserable,
squirrels don't dare put their nose out from 
their home in my ancient tree, flowers forget it,
the snow is so heavy and plentiful that it will
take the sun for a hole week at 80 degree to 
melt everything. 
Guess I have no option than just sit and wait for
spring to manifest itself in my part of the world. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Crying ... alone

Crying alone in my misery is nothing new for me
Since my early childhood there is no respite 
in my lonely life.
I ask myself "what did I do to deserve this 
evergoing misery?" but to no avail, there is not
answer. So let my tears fertilize my life, let it
serve as a reminder that we don't choose why we
are born or what is the purpose of our life on this
broken down planet or my broken down life...

Thursday, March 16, 2023

The river


When the river talks to you the least you can do is
listen and reflect, We are the invasor, the extravagant
polluter and killing of river,ocean,lakes,but not only
we are killing the habitants of these great expands
of  fresh and salty waters. Why are we killing all that
falls between our hands. Nature the great creator 
this it's best job and lended it to us. But then one day
hopefully not during my life time, nature will just
die of trying to please mankind. Mankind is a stupid
predator and destructor and he laughs about it.....

Saturday, February 25, 2023

When will it end

There is no ending in view to this lousy winter,
my childhood winters are gone to never return.
How do I feel, it's a constant daily changing story,
I open my eyes with the hope that colors are back,
that snow has disappeared and birds are back to
singing their natural melody.
My bones are rebelling continually to no avail,
no creams,no caressing, no resting helps, it's a
daily combat between myself and my aging body
now it's a question as who will be more resilient
in our fights...

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Lost angels

When a child is called to heaven
there is no sensitivity left in the 
hearts of parents.
A child is the fruit of love, a 
continuation of our soals and a hope
for our old days. 
Why are we loosing children in wars,
natural disasters and killing them for
no apparent reasons.  Killings of 
2 small angels who were at a daycare
is the most excrutiating pain for the
parents, people who take care of these
children and first aid responders who
are helpless in saving them...

Thursday, February 2, 2023


Life is an island of solitude,
if you know how to fish 
you shall get all  your pleasures
of this mortal world offers you.
It does not take much to make you happy
to have a full life and good and bad
times, but then only you are the master 
of your life and happiness 
even with simple things
that come your way..


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Real or not...

It's been a while that I did not go out for 
multiple reasons. A little might be due to
the fact that with age my bones do not  want
to obey me anymore. 
On the first cold or a slight wind, my mind
starts rebelling and keeps telling me "Is it 
really necessary to go out...?".
So I engulf some fresh air from an open window
look around to see if activities go on around my
backyard and would you guess it this year there
are no birds playing around with the bird feeders.
So all this is to say, listen to your body, and just
work with what you have in your own home.
A little like this plastic rose that keeps me company
until I can go out and search for real roses and
flowers to immortalize with my small camera. 


Monday, January 16, 2023

Cheap life

When you call a human being a friend
without meaning it, then you are 
cheating life.
You profess your love, 
then stab them in their back, 
that's criminal.
You put on a pretty face, sweet words
to better murder another life.
What is LIFE worth for you?
It's a cheap commodity under your
dirty hands.  It doesn't create a dent
in your mind that you are right and
everyone else is wrong if they don't
adhere to your thinking.
We reached a point where we all
cry for justice, but there's no justice
available for the pettiness we show
for ourselves and others.
We promote individuals hoping in
their fairness without thinking they
are just as unfair to this world but
they are excellent actors in convincing
of their rightness to the world, but
do not try to comprehend their reasoning
you would loose the little justice that
you are hoping for...
Money is the EVIL of evil  and no one
wants to hear it....  

Saturday, January 14, 2023

RIP Lisa Marie

When a young child looses a parent
it's a pandora box that closes for ever.
When you loose a famous father 
it's a pain that is hiding in a corner of
your heart just at the mention of his name,
you hear his voice, his laughs or his
cries, his nonsense jokes or even a soft
goodnight, those are your memories 
and you cry about your loss of that time
that could have been yours and his.
You too lost a child and your heart
rebelled but then you had to care for
the others who were depending on you.
You silenced you heart picking up all
the pieces shattered and unmendable,
just the way you did at the loss of your
You have finally reached a point by
leaving this mortal world and went to
join your dad and son.  Now your heart
is mended and you can sleep in peace
in their arms.