

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Have a piece

Please do have a piece of fruit...

Per favore prendete un pezzitino di frutta.


Si posa su le case e scaccia
via gli malefici sogni di bimbi e grandi.
Laying on houses he chases
away maligniant childrens
dreams and grown-ups too.


To the good health of you the viewer.

Cin Cin a te...


Un solitario nel campo

A field solitary

Per gli amanti_For the lovers

Questo fiore fa scintillare gli occhi dei amanti


This flower puts a twinkle in the eyes of

all flower lovers.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Ho trovato questa bella farfallina in una
stanza d'ospedale infantile,
per te Joe - la vedi che la tua
farfallina e diventata famosa tramite l'internet.
J'ai trouvee ce papillon dans une
chambre a l'hopital pour enfant,
pour toi Joe - tu vois ton papillon
est devenu celebre grace a l'interternet.

Friday, August 28, 2009

What's comming

For all the complainers

on the week of warm weather

we just terminated,

here is what's comming soon...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

To say Good morning....

It's penyless a thing to say goodmorning.
No costa nulla a dire buongiorno
Dire bonjour ne coute rien
Buenos dias, no cuesta nada.

Catching the sun

The sun can catch you
but you can't hold him

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Catching stars

I'm running hoping to catch a shinning star.

Vado in cerco per le stelle ...

Daily bread

Bread is a necessity, let's not

forget it and not waist it.

No sciupare il nostro pane quotidianno.

Notre pain est or, ne pas le gaspiller.

Life has no bounderies

You know were you were born,
you never know where your life
will end, life has no bounderies.
My native village mi lascio andare
via ed ora la vita mi dira dove
continuera a svolgersi. On sait ou
ont viens au monde, mais on ne sait
pas ou la vie nous portera.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sara Perche _ It must be....

Sara Perche siamo insieme..

It must be because we are together...

That nature indulges us.

Che la natura ci fa questo regalo.

La Canadienne

Soft like a dream,

beautiful like a lady,

gentle like you my love....


L'espoir un sentiment qui nourrit toute les gens de bonne volontees.

Love of Life

If you put joy around you it will spread
more than you might expect....


I will shine in the darkest places....