

Monday, September 24, 2018


Good evening to all,
recently I noticed that either on tv 
or newspapers there is a certain 
amount of interest in children with
down syndrome.
I was fortunate to work (taking photos)
of a 2 year old child who was born with
this condition.  As a matter of fact my
own niece was like that but for other
issues only lived 8 months. 
These children are extremely intelligent
and do not know the difference between
them and the so called normal human world.
He was funny, he was curious, 
he just learned how to crawl and kept
going so fast that I had a little trouble
keeping up with him and feared for my
One instant he was happy then he would
stop and look at me as if I was the one
who was stopping him from being a child.
I making faces to make him laugh did not
work too well, but the moment I played his
game of hide and seek he was an angel for
my camera.  He even offered me his meal
of cereals then with one hand he just threw all
in the air as if saying you do not like my food...
I could see the strong personality in him, but
at the same time I could feel the sorrow of his
mother and the hardship that she knew awaited
her.  A young woman who loved that child 
it was evident but the sadness, the tiny specks 
of rage could be seen in her eyes when no one
was looking at her.  I will never tell this young
mother "I'm sorry I know how you feel...", 
it's a lie because I'm not in her situation and I
do not know how she feels deep inside.  
I admire all parents who care and love these
children and wish them all the best that life
can give them all. 
I will not publish a photo since I feel it is not
in me to show this young human without the
permission of the mother.  
Again I admire all of you, mothers & fathers
for affronting this challenge. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Time does not change,
evolution is unstoppable,
from cavemen to   
universe exploration,
one never ceases to be amazed
by generations gone by and futuristic.
Leonardo the visionary could
just imagine what was behind is eyes.
Columbus the fearless kept going on,
not knowing his future.
Men of great visionary either
perfected the world or just destroyed it.
They were the dreamers.  Today,
with all the technological instruments
in our hands we create unbelievable
dreams that would have sounded
crazy to our ancestors. 
New bodies, limbs, brains and FACES.
Would I subject myself to such,
I do not believe so, since I'm part of the
dreamless generation that is stuck between
the old and the future, but can hardly accept
the present.

My dear reader, do not take offense in
my thinking of being of the silent dreamless

Monday, September 3, 2018

When my bones protest...

I'm part of the older generation emigrated
in the mid-1950...
Wowww that's old you will say!
I learned the old traditions from my grandmother
my mother too busy at work because we came here
with a carton suitcase, a few clothing items and
lots of hope to make a life in "America", because
we did not make the distinction between the
USA and Canada then.
So every end of summer we have to make homemade
tomato concentrate, peppers either pickled or roasted
and frozen.  Not to forget that later on there is the
cabbage and the wine, at times we make cheese and
some sausages.
This past weekend it was the 15 bushels of tomato concentrate
Well let me tell you it's backbone braking, first wash tomatoes,
then boil them for 5 minutes, then let them drip, pass them
in a cruncher, have the 1 litre jars ready & fill them.
close them tightly and then we have to boil them in
huge pans and let them cool in that water after 30 boil.
But who invented all this work? mind you the difference
when you do your sauce is noticeable from any junk that
you buy in stores.  Roasted peppers 2 bushels, peel them,
clean and let them drip.  Then make portions in zip locks
and freeze them, in winter one medium size pepper costs
$2.00.   Hey life is what it is & being a pensioner need to
save some pennies.  So for this year, my peppers
and tomato concentrate is DONNNNEEEEEEE.

So now I can return to my pass time (writing) or at least
put down some words and ideas & associate it with my
photos until it's time for more back breaking work.