

Sunday, April 21, 2019

No remedy

Thinking of you daily while walking,
quickening my steps hoping to reach you,
meanwhile the sun goes down
tired of illuminating our taught, 
hopes of a love that has finished
warming our dreams of reaching 
the highest peaks that we dreamed together
of ever finding felicity in our lives.
Our joint flight over the seas
continuously following wrong paths,
we drowned with our own wings in the
iced waters, leaving behind our scattered
feathers over beaches of memories
slowing dying, but you and me we did
nothing to remedy all this tragedy.....

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Hope - Happy Easter

In a little while believers around the world
will be celebrating "The Resurrection".
I,  if and when,  I have a chance will be going
to see what's really changed. 
I find that when doors to these establishment
are closed and opened only on certain occasions
disturb me to no avail.  Do I need to physically
go on the designated day... or can I go in 
these locals when my heart and mind are in
turmoil. This is very personal  and each one
of us do as they wish to really enjoy the quietness and
peacefulness that will envelop me for a long while.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

La spiaggia

Dopo aver trascorso 3 giorni in riva al mare
non so chi era più sorpresa io con la mia pelle
bianca e freddolosa o il mare che se la rideva
di aver reso un'altra sciocca turista come un
lobster.  E pure mi era giurata di prendere cura
che il mare e il sole non mi bruciassero e che
sarei stata io ad avere più intelligenza....
ma come tutti ci sono cascata ed oggi tutto
pizzica e bruci anche se ho usato molto ma molto
crema solare il secondo e terzo giorno!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Violence against women

Please think hard before you hurt a woman.

Follow the link below

Violence against women

and if you need help in the translation,
please just ask & I will gladly do it for you!

Thank you.

NB: photo is not mine,
if owner recognizes itself,
please contact me & will give you credit.