

Monday, July 29, 2019


Sanity  is more than a 6 letter word.
It's believing in YOURSELF and only
YOURSELF, because nobody will...
Don't be afraid to stand for your rights,
your believes and convictions.  
Life is how you live it and how you
take care of it. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Don't dare to sneeze
is it humans or plants
that are sneezing all over
the world...

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Rainbow colors

The taboo that all humans should
posses all the same chromosome is
an erroneous statement even in the
medical field.
We are all equal no matter as to the
number of chromosome one possesses
that those not make these people
any less humans.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Moon dreamer

I'm a moon dreamer and a moon lover. 
I'm always amazed at it's beauty 
just wish I could take it away from the 
sky and put in the palm of my hand...
I will blow on it to clear it of dust,
I will rob it to light it up
I will whisper to it and let her
fly away taking my message around
the universe to all people who look at
her and keep on dreaming in silence
and awe.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Gray zone

I will find my way
through punches given
to my body and soul.
There are in's our out's
but always a way out.
Why am I in a gray zone,
who knows, maybe age
has crept upon me during
the night, but like a warrior
I will not surrender easily....

Monday, July 1, 2019

Famous light

Life reflection of our ups,
downs, sideways,
directing us towards that
famous light at the centre
of our universe - the passage
of one planet to another.
Don't believe I ever saw
those who left come back
telling us what it's like on
the other side of the famous
light let's leave some to the
unkown and mystery...