

Thursday, June 25, 2020


Like this balloon
I feel my life drifting
away and I don't know
how to stop it.
Might it be my stupidity
or my believed intelligence
that I do not have, but
either way, I can't stop it
just as I can't stop the
passing of time....

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Short passage

I loved you so much,
but you just  went,
went like a comet
leaving traces of it's passage
only for a short while.
Now I'm alone,
you are not mine anymore
so I just look for another
but no one is like you....

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

What am I....

I'm not a painter or an artist at that,
my eyes makes me see the beauties
of this world, but my fingers don't know
how to use a brush and man made colors.
As an old person, I too joined the frenzy of
the cameras and run around my living area
for something to capture, sure I find beauty
or not so beautiful but it capted my attention
and as such it's my duty to emprison them in
my camera.  On many occasions I miss my 
shot, normal since I learned alone and proud
of what I find. The alleys are my home,
the gardens of many acres or just a little 
patch of green will always be my challenge.
A little bird perched on a branch, a squirrel
devastating a veggie garden, a dog not
chasing a cat, but is taking control of his
favorite spot and don't like my prying on them.
Streets were deserted for a while, today
they returned to be the monstrous  
cavorting tortures for everyone, we all
complain, knowing full well that the next day
it will still be there, the holes, the cones,
the broken branches, the garbage left 
behind for city to clean up, but they too
are feed up, so it just lays there to annoy
me and dirtying my poor cameras. 

Keep cool

Keep cool and enjoy this reprieve from
the pandemic.
Have a great day.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Howling wind

I finally managed to create a video
and be able to post it.
It's really nothing much since we are
limited in time wise, but it sure is
great and promising for future posts.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Golden silence

The only good thing that I will remember
of this covid-19 period is the golden
silence of the city, the brightest sky seen
full of stars and the birds singing their
joy at having a peaceful life while
figuring out where to built their nest
in a city without people around to
disturb them.