

Thursday, December 23, 2021

I believed....

I believed in conquering the beast,
little did I know that it was stronger
than me.
The beast lurked, jumped, hid,
but was always there waiting
in the darkness or sunshine, 
in cold or warm weather, 
it was always there.
I faught with all my strengths,
masked myself, kept hands so clean
my skin was on the brink of breaking
more than once, walking around with 
a yard to keep all at bay, 
but the beast was stronger and smarter
than me.
Fear of the beast is of those who believe
in life and friends, neighbors, family,
including themselves.
Those who play the all mighty are doomed
and blame it not on the beast
but on me and my believes.


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Sad story saga...

The old story teller whispering
softly and gently to the day wind
or night wind. 
"Wind o wind, you who has a
free spirit roaming around, why
do you leave me behind!
You're awareness of my wishing
freedom from those who cut my
wings is unbearable. I pray for your
help and advice, I implore your
force to pick me up and bring me
with you, not caring where or how,
but far enough from my killer.
Yes I'm sure that I will be part of
the statistics of violence against the
women of this world.  Stupid me
for believing that I could change this
animal that is at my side and keeps
me like a broken bird in a cage.
I'm afraid to talk, to walk, to live
one day when I'm fully broken he
will finish me.  No matter if I'm his
slave at his deadliest commands,
I know that I do not have much more
time to be on this world.  
Is it my fault, I don't know, 
am I ugly, but then why keep me prisoner,
is it my stupidity in believing that love
could solve everything around me and
the world of marriage, who knows,
my only sin is that I was born a woman
and that I must pay the price of being
a woman...

NB: Photo not mine, if author recognizes
this work, just email me & I will give you


Monday, November 22, 2021


My lover is very special
he might not be a superman,
or an Olympian, no he's just
and ordinary guy that was
at my side, in good and not so
good time. .. 
But don't tell him, he might get
offended, believing he is the  
best person on this earth. 
Sure he is, but like all humans
faults are shown on a daily basis.
But I love him with all his faults,
is little beer stomach, is lousy jokes.
Let's not get too fussy or he will
tease you for days and forget
all his good promises, but he's
still my lover from the first time
that I laid eyes on him. 
Do not leave me now, I would
not survive and would follow
you as soon as I could. You are
my rock, my lover, my provider...
PS: I swear not to nag you when
we leave this world and grow 
old as angels laughing our way
through fluffy clouds, with
you and your beer and me with
my glass of white wine. 

NB: Thank you to this gentleman
who I met on one of my walks
in a park and started to tell me a
bit of his life and the loss of his
beloved wife who had passed away
three months earlier. 


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

What's new...

What's new in your life?
Mine is very simple, 
I look, I bother my loved
ones, I eat as pleased,
enjoying the outside view
from my hammock in my
mistress bedroom and 
waved by passer bys.
Yours is a crazy life,
running around with a 
mask (necessary still),
too lazy to cook so the
car brings it to you.
don't bother to get 
dressed now you don't
need to shovel the snow,
or grab a paid of rain boots.
Leaves are gorgeous when
they fall down but not when
there soggy and wet. 
You complain about the
juice you pour in your
4 WD, but don't mind
running to just get a bottle
of milk or alcohol or hash.
Set your priorities like me
and you will live to be 101,
not the law on language cat
language is unique and universal,
but of course your age........

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Home sweet home.

Abandoned and lonely
roaming around the city
darkness is dreadful
day time is impossible
people trampling over me,
cars and crazy people 
do not pay attention to
my hunger and thirst,
hiding by day, roaming
around at night, checking
each garbage bins for a scrap
of food and hide it from
my worst enemy the dog
also roaming the streets at
night time.
Here in this rundown park
I found a castle, a real castle
with food and even a blanket
to rest my old bones.  I do not
know the owner of this castle
but until it's around, with warmth
and food, I will come and rest
here at night, in my 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Autumn gold

It's another day
the morning sun is greeted by 
sharp crispness in the air.
Harvesting is stretching to it's ending,
winter is drawing near,
in between this passage calls for 
a special time of the year.
We call it Indian summer showing
us the good lord took a light 
feather and brushed all the hills
down below.
As I sit on one of these hills, 
an open book at my feet trying to
steel time pages turn by themselves,
a soft breeze around me help me
imagine a child up on these hills, 
searches the land of his fathers, 
lost in his taught recalling human pains, 
knows that on these hills quietness and solitude,
God helps us to endure.
My eyes are this land window,
peace is found within my soul,
upon these hills of Autumn,
that are strewn with red and gold. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

Mother Nature

Mother nature indulged me today,
a plain day, 
with fleeing clouds 
here and there, quite muggy 
for my taste, still had to go for
a 10,000 steps walk.  I'm the 
little old lady with a camera roaming
the neighborhood & stopping when
I'm tired of walking and my
little faithful camera is always ready
for whatever my eyes sees.
It could be a flower, a child's toy,
a distorted tree or just a leaf that
capture my attention.  Today it was
a little special, I was walking much
slower and I came across something
that we don't see too much in the
city,  a tree with about 20 of these
type of mushrooms. I know that 
they are good for consumption,
but they were too high for me to 
reach, so I first took photos, then
knocked on one's door and asked
if they could come out and help me
take down those mushrooms.

PS: Never consume mushrooms that
you don't know, they can be mortal. 


Thursday, October 14, 2021

known only to him

 When my eyes behold the stars

This heart of mine is filled with wonder My poor mind cannot grasp their array But the hand that spilled them there All across the wide heaven Had a plan when He placed them that way. Known only to Him Are the great hidden secrets I'll fear not the darkness when my flame shall dim I know not what the future holds But I know who holds the future It's a secret known only to Him. In this world of fear and doubt On my knees I ask the question Why a lonely heavy cross I must bear? Then He tells me in my prayer It's because I am trust worthy He gives me strength far more than my share.

NB: These words were sang by Elvis Presley
and it really is very impressive to listen to.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

No tittle yet

I'm hiding from the curious
floating away to a nowhere land.
I don't need a boat or a floating board
I need my freedom spirit, 
the sun and the moon 
and a soft cloud for a bed....

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


Freedom is not free,
you have to slave to 
achieve it and hope to
live a very long life to
fully appreciate it,
otherwise your freedom
is going to kill you,
a little like the world of

Sunday, September 19, 2021


You have no thorns,
but your kisses have them,
I keep asking for your dreams
but my wishes are not your 
Each of your kisses feel like
a thousand thorns, but once I taste
you, even then I feel their sharpness.
Talk to me, we can resolve what 
seems to bother you, let's not wait
for another day - those thorns only
gets deeper and more hurtful.  
Oh my love you know 
that I never promised you 
lifetime of rose garden 
but remember that the
solitary ROSE that I give you 
contains my heart and soul. 
Please take away the thorns and 
make our love bed a sweet one... 


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Unknown grandfather/grandmother

I'm not a warrior
or a dormant pacifist,
I know we do not live
in a perfect world,
but the blowing up of
people who are there
for the safeguard of
their follow humans,
that's where I loose
my control.  Why, this
reaction, mainly due to
the lessons of our 
forefathers out of which
we have not learned a
DARN thing.  We kill
without reasons, we 
suppress generations for
the shear ideals of a few,
but at the end we all land 
at the same place
... in NOTHING. 

Words written by an
unknown grandfather/grandmother
from an unknown land. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

If I had....

If I had one flower
for every taught that crosses
my heart, I could build
a bridge between earth and the universe.
With a wave signaling my arrival
to your new world, positive to see
joy on those gorgeous blue eyes 
that stole the shine of the sky, never
one to let clouds tarnish them.
Wait for me on the bed of clouds
while I pass through the mist of
friendly stars. I'm not a fearful one
but I believe in continuity and joy,
the same that we went through for
a life time. Ups and downs were
always around, but with your experience
and my patience we grew old 
together without any regrets. 
I let you go first to pave the way,
find a fluffy corner in paradise
and a harp to sing me lullabies. 
I will be back in your arms just be
patient my love, I'm on my way
to you..... 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

All is bright, not so

I keep dreaming of a runaway path to paradise.
I am told it does not exists these days,
it's full of holes and detours.
Our planet (hearth) is upside down
wondering is it salvageable.
I'm no scientist, 
my ears were closed when
when we were told,
my brain said ... it's all a lie,
but paradise disappeared
 in a blink of an eye,
for the believers and it's
a false news for the non believers.



Monday, July 26, 2021

Path of lost dreams


With my tears I tried to build a stairway,
where memories and tears becomes a path.
Through this path, my pain's intensity
eased somewhat knowing that I had reached 
heaven doors with your gentle face smiling.
My sorrow was so heavy, that stumbling I did,
tried to touch you, call you, offering you
my hand and walk hand in hand like old times
through the garden of Eden where 
we would meet and dance away. 
Carefree and young, we embraced
the odors of the land, nature's music
became the sounds of the orchestra 
playing our songs.
We were young, carefree, the world was ours
to conquer, to have our own creations for the
future, we had lots of time ahead, but....
instead we had no time to say goodbye,
you left before I realized it,  
it's said: "Time will heal, but neither
time nor reason will alter what we felt, 
I'm left with your gorgeous memory 
but extremely hard to live without,
it's not memories that I crave ... but YOU".

NB: This photo belongs to Antonio Chiera of 
Deep Dream Generator. Thank you Antonio for letting
me use it.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Wrong love

On a  sunny day I wanted and 
looked for love, but I was scared
when I took time to find it.
My road was full of evil men,
they begged and longed for my heart,
they took it, they bruised it,
they played with it, 
then left it in a million pieces 
on a dark night...

Stand up for your rights, don't let
anyone kill you with their worthless
words or fake smiles. 
It's you in the end that may loose
your life.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

New life


Restrictions are slowing lifting,
weather is unpredictable,
so hot at times even the wearing 
of a sweater is a must not to burn.  
Some are wandering
should they go back to offices,
others are asking themselves if a
vacation is needed or just a 
stay vacation  is still a wise choice.
But all this put aside, we are 
carrying the weight of the world on
our shoulders.  It's a heavy load,
imposed or suggested but it plays
havoc with our minds.  We can look
ahead, wishing we could embark on
a journey of no problems, no remorse
or crying out loud for the loss of 
time along with loved ones.  Do not
despair, it's said that by living today,
it becomes the future of tomorrow 
or is it?


Sunday, July 4, 2021

Until we meet again

Being deeply loved by someone
gives you strength, 
while loving someone deeply,
gives you courage. 
Memories are felt in warmness, 
dreams brings back your melodious
voice, we only can thank you for
your short stay with us
who loved you for a day and more.  
Our hearts tell us that you are 
with us, and we know that you
are around with us until we meet 


Wednesday, June 30, 2021



Talking on June 30th, 2021 from coast to coast
is an excellent initiative or just a show off face
to ease one's conscience of the atrocities committed
by certain people on poor defenseless humans 
(children) mostly. 
As a mother or a father, a relative or a member
of a family or community having your children
taken away mostly by force in the name of a belief
just to destroy them, abusing mentally and physically
with the assurance that it would kill them is the
most atrocious crime a person can commit.
Not enough that they inflicted death they buried
these children in mass graves with no identification
visible and then making these deaths journals disappear
so no one could prove anything. 
Little did these people know that those children who
had the good fortune to escape those residential schools,
have a strong memory & told their stories for generations
without being believed by the authorities of the time.
Sure today that all this is coming to life, WE all say
how can that be... surely there is a mistake somewhere!
But the mass graves are spitting out their secrets to
the world and our country can't deny it anymore.
The only people who deny it is the ones who were
responsible for this genocide, yes a real genocide
of native people who could not defend themselves
and they paid the price. So sure let's talk about it
today, but WILL WE REMEMBER IT TOMORROW.              

Sunday, June 20, 2021

When is old - enough...

Hello everyone it's glorious that
summer is just a few hours away.
But with it only those it bring a change
in nature with it's bright colors,
new growths, older ones dying to be
replaced with new ones, the sky
is limpid blue with a few fluffy clouds
to make little shadows on our 
mountains, lakes, rivers and ponds,
but it makes the sound of birds even
more joyful to listen to and not
be taken aback by the normal traffic
on air or ground.
Now I come to the point..
"I had a neighbor for the last 50 years
who was very cordial and smiley.
In the last 3 or 4 years she fell in the
house and broke a hip, then she fell
again and had pelvis broken.  As you
can see dear reader, old age is not always
very friendly, but this LADY told her
children to be placed in a residence and
ever since, she goes shopping, plays cards
read newspaper, talks with her 5 generation
who adore her and this last week they
celebrated her 114ht     birthday, but at that
age   one day is not enough to gather all her
children,grandchildren,great grandchildren,
great-great grandchildren,  114ht birthday 
party lasted a WHOLE WEEK.
Bless you Cecile and hope to be able to come
and celebrated your 115ht birthday next June
with you. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Imagination is the result of a 
free speach of your brains,
not controlled by anyone but 
So be creative and don't be 
afraid to show it, you (brain) is
original and as such no one can
produce your thinking, you ideas,
your feelings, it's you and your

Thursday, June 10, 2021

215 roses

If only 215 red roses could dry up the tears
of 215 families who have lost their children
and found in a mass grave.
Their only crime was for being 
born to indigenous parents.
But it was their land, their lives
and their own way of life.
Who were we to demand to educate
and make them to reflect our 
christians believes.  
Last week these parents hoped that
one of these 215 children was one that
was theirs, yes reader it was an unmarked
grave, so the sorrow still exists even today
at the site of this grave and no one really
knows how many or where they are of 
these children of the land are ...

A resume : 
From 1883 to 1996, nearly 150,000 Indigenous children were separated from their families, often by force, and sent to the government-funded, church-run schools in an attempt to assimilate them. There, many faced neglect and physical and sexual abuse. Speaking Indigenous languages and practicing their traditions were forbidden.


Friday, June 4, 2021

A loss

"There is no greater sorrow
 than to recall happiness in time of misery".... Dante

Dear reader, I just found out that a person
that I had never met in my life lost the 
greatest battle a human has to face. 
Honestly I have never heard of this person
a week before her passing.  
A friend from across the ocean said "You live
in the same province as dear friend and poet and
is at the end of her earth voyage.  I enquired as to
who she was and was directed to her poetry blog,
I did try to e-mail believing she was still at home
and going through chimo therapy so I said why 
not see if a conversation or a few words of encouragement
would have helped her a little.  No answers to my
e-mails, so I just had a taught every once in a while
of her and in my way wishing her a good day.
But after a week I was told that she passed away
just letting life slip through her fingers.  It must have
been so sad for her children not to be able to say
goodbye to their mom, hold her hand and help her
in the last effort to cross that door of no return.

Why did I choose these flowers for her, 
"let's say that for me it's like these flowers
stand tall on a battle ground and re-flourish every year
to remind us of their resilience and beauty 
that play with the wind of life. 


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Heart beat = Life

No comments, 

no feelings


for my beating heart.


NB: this is not my creation, 
if author recognizes itself, please
let me know & I will give you full

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Life is a bitch ... continued

 click to listen  ........> Open you heart 


One would hope for a bright future
not realizing that it's full of punches,
curves, joy and sorrows.
We in this country that I call mine
where my roots are not  part of this
earth, but that I love dearly for giving
me my hard earned bread and butter,
there's a nag that's been with me for
a very long time.  "Discrimination" 
for those who are not of the same color,
the same mother tongue or believes.

Little did I know that for me and my
descendants we will never be considered
natives.  But who are the natives of this

The civilized world came and destroyed
a nation, it's people, it's culture.  The 
people of cloth were the most ..... of all
people.  Maybe not their fault since they
obeyed the laws in their luggage and 
believed they were the gods of this
new found land. 

Wars, massacres, disputes, genocides
occurred and still today in the 21st century
some close their eyes and ears: 
"It's not my problem... I live good, let
others fight it".  Have you stopped and
looked around....

Forward to today:
When I think about it,  I am not 
surprised to have heard about the 
215 innocent children found in mass
graves just because they were not my
color, spoke my tongue, believed in the
laws of the nature.  Were just treated
with disregard and buried without a trace
or dignity.


to be continued....

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Life is a bitch

My dear friends and occasional readers
you are wandering what's with my title
of this morning post.
Life is a real bitch, one is born with
all types of expectations may it be good
or bad and is out of our hands.  
The old tale, "Your life is written the
day you are conceived and marked by
the stars...".
Well excuse me if I do not agree with
this theory that I call all false and mis-leading.
People most 99.9% have lost all dignity 
and respect for life itself.  Just by what we
just went through, one would believe that
some reasons entered men's brain and heart.
But poor me in being so naive as to having
closed my eyes for such a long time.

Please come back again I will finish this
post with more diligence and fairness.

Friday, May 21, 2021


Today, May 21st has been 
a  scorcer. 
So what better way than
walking through an outside
garden of last tulips. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


No need for memories
when love is  present.
There is a shining light 
holding our precious 
moments.  We made them
so we know them.  We
can get old or stay forever
young our heart knows the
tune of the dance that was
Holding hands was a  passion,
twinkling eyes was our
private messenger, our 
quick or slow step was 
in tune with our sweeping
love that never left us and
we passed it on to our
following generations.
We pray and we hope
that it will be recognized
and cherished as we did
with unconditional love
to what was our legacy 
from our ancestors.

PS:  Dear reader,
I have a corner of my
heart that belongs to this
man, from the first song
of the 1956 to his passing.
RIP and hope not to be
annoying when I put his

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


Simplicity a word with a thousand meanings.
Simple is less rather than crowding.
Take a walk leaving your eyes roaming
the beauty of a spring day.  Nature is waking up
and blooming if we leave it alone.
The gentle rain or the wind with 
clean and straighten nature fruits just
beginning to grow.  
Simplicity will catch your wandering eye
to the smells or colors breaking the long
mono colors that was available for months end.
O lord let me be like that simple flower
and give you thanks for the good fortune to
be able to see it and enjoying it. 

Friday, April 30, 2021


let's see if it works

a gif


Miserable day

Today is a miserable day, 

it's raining,
it's humid,
and it's gray .... 

I'm enjoying this sound while I try to write some words,
while I recover from a fall of yesterday (nothing too 
serious, just bruised one side).

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

April's joke....

But instead we had a late april joke..

It's been a long time that we
had snow on an april 21st.

We beat the record ... 

Monday, April 19, 2021

Covid time....

By Thomas Hood
No morn, no noon
no shade, no shine
... no leaves, no birds, 

NOW today we can had
no kisses, no hugs,
no sports,no travel,
no restaurants, no bars,
no family and no friends.

This is my part
to these lonely taughts,
were is my life gone
for these last 13 months,
or your lives for that matter.
It's astonishing that people
who like me are feed up,
and awaiting for scientist
to create a vaccine that
for some is worth it
for others not so well.
What do we tell our 
children about their
grandparents departing
from this life when not
even their children have
seen them leaving us in
an absolute silence.
What am I leaving these
children as a legacy,
death, suffering, bickering
or an astronomical amount
of debts...

The answer is only available
in your heart and mind.