

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Spring colors

 I'm still waiting for the explosion of 
spring colors. Days are gray and miserable,
squirrels don't dare put their nose out from 
their home in my ancient tree, flowers forget it,
the snow is so heavy and plentiful that it will
take the sun for a hole week at 80 degree to 
melt everything. 
Guess I have no option than just sit and wait for
spring to manifest itself in my part of the world. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Crying ... alone

Crying alone in my misery is nothing new for me
Since my early childhood there is no respite 
in my lonely life.
I ask myself "what did I do to deserve this 
evergoing misery?" but to no avail, there is not
answer. So let my tears fertilize my life, let it
serve as a reminder that we don't choose why we
are born or what is the purpose of our life on this
broken down planet or my broken down life...

Thursday, March 16, 2023

The river


When the river talks to you the least you can do is
listen and reflect, We are the invasor, the extravagant
polluter and killing of river,ocean,lakes,but not only
we are killing the habitants of these great expands
of  fresh and salty waters. Why are we killing all that
falls between our hands. Nature the great creator 
this it's best job and lended it to us. But then one day
hopefully not during my life time, nature will just
die of trying to please mankind. Mankind is a stupid
predator and destructor and he laughs about it.....