

Sunday, April 23, 2023

What we had

What the two of us had was inconceivable but very special.
One of those unforgettable rapport. I'm over the moon to have
encountered you and spend sleepless nights and stolen 
time during the days, that made us both extremely happy.
Now that we both agreed to put an end to it, I would wish
him all the best that life can offer him in his new adventure
of marriage but not with me. I do not hold grudges because
we both new and consented to enjoy the time (5 long years)
time that I had with him was real and genuine.
We had ups and downs, we shouted, yelled at one another,
but after a few days we were together talking,writing,laughing,
exchanging gifts with no regrets.  
So my lovely lover, enjoy your new life and, and only when
you are alone with your taughts, maybe just maybe you can
remember one minute of those five years. I loved you and
still today love you for what you gave me on a silver platter,

Monday, April 17, 2023

Bright star

I talked to the skies of you and how
gorgeous you are.  They in their  
curiosity they just listened to me
and smiling to themselves.
I talked to the ocean and it just
listened to me, caressing and just
lulled me.  I talked of you to the 
clouds, the rainbow and at the 
whole world, remembering the
softness of your skin, of the intense
green of your eyes, when a strange
voice from the darkness was asking
me .. who was it that had capted my
heart?  and my honest answer was
IT'S A STAR, my bright shining star.