

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I'm starting to panic

When in doubt one should not persist,
I played around with my blog and
can't seem to be able to go back to the
old version.
Is it me or the responsible of this site
that are doing changes and not consulting
or inquiring with the users.
I have sent them some feedback,
but never got a response. So please
be patient with me and hopefully I will
return with this crisis resolved.

Thank you.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Careful with your wishes

A human phantom knelt on the dry grass,
looked up at the sky and said an unknown
prayer for a few drops of rain to fall.
The sky took off his dark robe and
a bright sunny shine took over the land.
the human phantom started to cry for
his upcoming loss little did he know that
a deluge was around the corner...

NB: These words are not mine,should the author
recognize them, please let me know to give your

Monday, June 2, 2014

Only you

"I marvel at every look that goes your way.
You and only you never disappoints me
or my fascination for that light in the dark sky...."

Monday, March 17, 2014

Out of the fog

"I'm counting the blessing
for reaching the end of the foggy road,
I went round and round but
could not find my way out,
the fog was so thick to obscur
my eyesight and my soul.
Fortunately, a beam, of sunlight
broke through the fog of life
and I'm enjoying a full sunlight
at last...".

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


"Sitting on the edge of a boulder,
the sun warms my body
while the breeze caresses my
soul. My old eyes scans the
faraway horizon for fear of
loosing the sight of beauty
created for nature lovers of
this planet WE call home..."

Monday, March 10, 2014

Like a flower

"My thoughts are like a flower,
the more light I absorb the
more enjoyful is my creativity.
At night it closes and brews,
at sunrise it florishes,
in daytime I'm the pride and joy,
at sundown I kiss all goodbyes
and say until next time,
I have found my love & keep
it tight to my heart...."

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sun going down...

"I won't let all that
gleam & beauty
go to waste,
I will capture it's glow,
immortalize it with the little
box (camera) and share it
with the world,saying
when you see the twilight's
last gleaming rays dance before
your eyes, the silence is noiseless,
that's me snapping another sun going
down to share with the world......"

Monday, January 20, 2014

A new Dawn

"Each day, awakening,
are we asked to paint the sky blue?
Need we coax the sun to rise or flowers to bloom?
Need we teach birds to sing or a child to laugh,
or even lovers to kiss?
No, though we think the world imperfect,
it surrounds us each day with its perfections.
We are asked only to appreciate them,
and to show appreciation by living
in peaceful harmony amidst them.
The Creator does not ask that we
create a perfect world;
He asks that we celebrate it...."

Monday, January 13, 2014

The walls

"Do not fear the lifeless walls that surrounds you,
they are friendly and harmless in your youth.
You create multiple designs from the bottom
to the top of those walls  & change them at will
as your days go by.
But the  day that your creativity leaves you,
is the day you shall fear the walls.
They become your enemies,
but you will locate and use strengths
beyond your knowledge and fight the lifeless walls
until the pale moonlight or the harsh
sunlight will let your out of those
oppressing walls guiding you to a better

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Maybe tomorrow

No maze is huge enough to contain my 
searching soul.
A frosted pane shields my eyes view 
of an artic world.
To no avail, I try to pierce the design made 
by a polar cold snap.  
No warm breath from my mouth or 
the heat of my hands can break the 
engineering work done by nature
around me, maybe tomorrow I will try
again to break the spell of this artic freezing
cold and fierce hauling winds reminding
me that I'm old and frail not able to 
support the wining of this generation of 
wrecking mother nature best show......

Monday, January 6, 2014

The old Lady

I'm a lost lady
or so the world says.
With my white hair and
wrinkled face people owe me
some respect.
I breath and cheat
like no tomorrow.
I'm good at disguising
my feelings, but
its short lived, someone
always ask me why.
I make unattainable
demands from myself,  never
expecting concrete results.
I could walk on and on
but there's no place too
faraway for me to reach.
I look and listen to strange
sounds that reach my brain,
knowing full well they do not
belong in my vocabulary.
I refuse & won't look at
those who are less fortunate
than me, for fear of being
one of them in a future life.
That's me running around,
searching and questioning
my life, after 6 almost
7 decades I still can't figure
out this world I proclaim as