

Friday, November 24, 2017


The tide recedes but leaves behind
bright seashells on the sand.
The sun goes down, but a gentle
warmth still lingers on the land.
The music stops, and yet it echoes on
in a sweet refrains....
For every joy that passes,
something beautiful remains.

I kept looking at this young lady
to finally why she looked so sad,
"I have just lost someone that I loved
so much in my life, hope wherever
they go, they will find the love that
the could not give or receive....".

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Like this painting
believing all is gold,
shining, great value
and more to finally
realizing that so is not.
I blindly believed in the
good faith of friends &
lovers, I kept hold on the
animal friendship but
disappointment was name
of the game.
Today I believe in me and
only me, so if I fall, I have
only myself to blame....
that is HONESTY.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Frozen ...

I knew you as a warm man,
we loved, slept, sang, believed
in each other for an eternity.
Happiness was the order of our days,
our focus was on live and let live,
and boy did we live.
What happened is a mystery,
a distance,  hiding,  coldness
set in you with no motive.
Motives must have been,
you turned into an iceman
refusing my warmth, my joy,
my life, your just runaway so
far in your world of ice
denying my following in
your steps.
WHAT is of us today....
you just let me down to the
tune of the no return!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

One more left

Today I cry remembering
all my good fortunes.
Life is priceless but young
men and women gave it up
for me and you.  Not many
are still around from escaping
hell a long time ago.
I was sad for this year I have
said goodbye to one of these
man who for five years no one
had news of.
He never talked about those
years, he never shed a tear on
the 11th of November, how I
would have taken all the pain
he so well hid.  Now you have
left us a void and no stories,
only memories of a laughing
little man.  I know that you will
make everyone laugh wherever
you are, please share a song and
a laugh with all the loved ones
that have left me behind.  I know
the path was hard, but now that
I have reached the start of the
path, I know that you were my
example to follow in your foot
steps.  Dear one so "HI" to all
those that I know for me.