

Friday, June 29, 2018

Fear of the silence

Silence please,
silence during these few moments.
A sound arriving from a faraway
distance finally reaches me.
Do I stop or continue my run,
will my feet finally stop and let
me concentrate, long enough to
make out the sound that just reached
All my senses are in high alert,
almost to a deadly fear.
But no one is around, no wind
to play tricks, birds are hidden in
their tree branches not sure what to
expect, the older feathered friends
shielding their little ones to keep them
quiet at least until the danger feeling
passes by.
I feel a hiss or is it a warm breath
tickling my neck, or just my imagination
working overtime.  My blood seems
to boil and wants to let out steam but
my pores are closed-up.
Tingles run up and down my body
like a race track with no stopping end.
I turn around and around, I look up the
tree tops and down the flowing river,
a leaf is dancing around when no wind
is rustling between trees and my fear  is
rising by the seconds.
Clic cloc clic cloc when out of nowhere
appeared a deer, he looked straight into
my eyes and I into is eyes, both respecting
our territories & in unison we both turned
and continued our own ways.
All the fear fleeing my body and for sure
the deer body as well....

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