

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A gift - the end

Finally the puppy made it to it's destination.
Some people were happy to give it to it's
new owner wishing both the child and the
puppy to be friends, work together and
eventually both have a successful future.
At times nature makes it's own good deed
I just wish these animals were more
well regarded and treated also.
It takes people to train them and a patience
of a saint.  These dogs have a job to
accomplish, once trained they deliver
the very best of themselves.  Maybe one
day we will get the rest of the story and
the outcome of this young child and his
beloved puppy.
Thank you for reading me and hope
to be around for the update.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

The gift - continued

Normally a puppy can't travel before 12 weeks old.
The paper work, the signature from vets,
all the shots and how to secure safe trip of such
a long distance.
Vets advised that the puppy could not go in the
luggage area of the plane, so it needed a place
in the plane.  In economy it's too crowded
for a young puppy, maybe just maybe in the
business class, but the passengers in that area
how would they react... it's still an animal
that needs attention, needs to walk and do
also dog's business.
He needed a human to take care and keep him
calm and quiet for the hole 10 - 11 hrs.
Soly curiosity was boundless, from inside
the airport, people looked at him, children
wanted to pet him, but like any other puppy
he only wanted to jump, run, hide, play and
chew of shoes, with his huge brown eyes
and waging tail he was the star at the gates,
launches & marveled at the amount of people
around him.
Were should they put this unusual passenger,
on a seat by himself that's for sure.  He had
his own meal ready, a diaper on all the time
so as not to make a mess and a warm blanket.
After a few hours of flight, when people rest,
Soly was just fantastic, quiet and sleepy, not
a sound from him.
Soly made it to Vancouver safe and sound,
one day to rest from the long flight and
familiarizing himself with the new owners
and trainers.
Nanou's parents will bring Soly to the hospital
on the 24th around 10:00 p.m. in a Santa's
gift bag & pray that their son will react positively
to the puppy.

To be continued on December 25th .....

A gift - 7,971KM

Yes my dear reader you are seeing right
a gift from 7,971 km away.

A child who'se parent had promised him
a puppy, a very special puppy who takes
good care of sick children landed with two
problems on their hands in mid october of
this year 2017.
The parents are not poor but not richest
also.  When the little boy Nanou 5 year old
one morning could not talk or walk anymore.
Parents taught it was one of his tricks not to
go to daycare, this child was partially blind
and deaf. So after a few hours parents and
guardians got worried (he was a very active
child notwithstanding is minor visual and hearing
problems).  Local doctor could not figure out
the dilemma in front of him.  After a numerous
string pulling with other colleagues & a few
batteries of tests, shots, food forcing, doctors
still could not find out the problems.
Take your child at home while we figure out
the outcome of my mountain of research from
around the world.
At home Nanou laid in his crib motionless,
parents taking turn to stay at his bed side.
Nanou kept to his bed and doctors were trying
a million ways to find his problems.
During a night, mother had just closed her eyes
from fatigue, Nanou started laughing, laughs
that almost scared the mother, and he kept laughing
laughing laughing with tears sliding is chubby face.
"Why are you laughing Nanou, please tell me so
that I can join you in your laugh..." Nanou finally
calmed down and told a strange story to his mother.
He had seen a puppy in a strange land where he
Nanou did not understand a word.  It was in a house
where a little girl had written a book to her friends
and then bad men came and killed her.  In the book
there was a puppy who made other children feel good
and they all had an happy life.  Nanou kept to his bed
and doctors were trying a million ways to find his
From Nanou's description
they identified it as a German Shepherd.  Father knew a
friend in Germany who breeded this type of dog for
sick & handicapped children and decided to get
it from his friend overseas.
Soly is a puppy of 10 weeks old,  now how do we get
him to arrive in a city that is at 7,971 km away.
Parents & friends were figuring out a way to get
the puppy for Christmas as a surprise gift for Nanou
hoping to get him out of is bed....

To be continued tomorrow.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Be always on the alert

What a lousy Sunday today.
First time that I went out for a
photo shoot in a while & everything
went wrong.
Sky was overcast, so no sundown
no sun reflections on the water,
not even seagulls to keep me company.
The river was flat and lifeless,
so you could not hear the river's
song.  I was miserable and cold,
took about 50 to 60 shots that
seemed not too bad, but boy was
I fooled.
All had noise, my lenses was dirty,
just flat shots good for nothing.
That will teach me to check out
the cleanliness of the lenses,
that the weather will cooperate
and that at least birds and seagulls
are around to keep me company.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Wise judgments or...

I'm impartial to each nations or faith to
celebrate their believes.
Guess being of a certain age
some of my views tend to turn
towards what I was brought up with.
Good or bad, believer or not,
the generation gap seems to widen
in today's world.
From names to songs,
from libertines to stricter worlds,
from songs that we taught were
harmless and everyone sang,
now they are on forbidden lists to
use or sing.
Were are the values and what are we
teaching the younger generation.
The holder generation is speechless
and at times wishes they were not
around to see the mess WE modernized
generation have, are and will create.

You be the judge and hope that our
judgments are wise....

Friday, December 7, 2018

Priceless dream

I had a dream
so exceptional
as to just dream.
When a dream
becomes reality
not all is beauty
but I will keep on
dreaming, it's
free and I can't
get hurt since it's
only in my dream
that all is possible,
A dream is like
floating water,
one moment it's with
you the next it has ran
So I only ask to dream
another minute before
all fades away...