

Saturday, December 22, 2018

The gift - continued

Normally a puppy can't travel before 12 weeks old.
The paper work, the signature from vets,
all the shots and how to secure safe trip of such
a long distance.
Vets advised that the puppy could not go in the
luggage area of the plane, so it needed a place
in the plane.  In economy it's too crowded
for a young puppy, maybe just maybe in the
business class, but the passengers in that area
how would they react... it's still an animal
that needs attention, needs to walk and do
also dog's business.
He needed a human to take care and keep him
calm and quiet for the hole 10 - 11 hrs.
Soly curiosity was boundless, from inside
the airport, people looked at him, children
wanted to pet him, but like any other puppy
he only wanted to jump, run, hide, play and
chew of shoes, with his huge brown eyes
and waging tail he was the star at the gates,
launches & marveled at the amount of people
around him.
Were should they put this unusual passenger,
on a seat by himself that's for sure.  He had
his own meal ready, a diaper on all the time
so as not to make a mess and a warm blanket.
After a few hours of flight, when people rest,
Soly was just fantastic, quiet and sleepy, not
a sound from him.
Soly made it to Vancouver safe and sound,
one day to rest from the long flight and
familiarizing himself with the new owners
and trainers.
Nanou's parents will bring Soly to the hospital
on the 24th around 10:00 p.m. in a Santa's
gift bag & pray that their son will react positively
to the puppy.

To be continued on December 25th .....

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