

Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Year loneliness

A new year as begun,
children are settling down
from pushing around toys
that will no longer intrigue
a young mind.
Teenagers are dreading the
return to daycare,schools,college
and parents hope that the bills
will take their time to arrive.
Did we need to do those               
lavicious spending, those
exotic foods that people just
looked at and passed on.
Or those expensive bottles
of wine,beers,champagne
when really our bodies are
now protesting and can't seem
to get back to normality.
But who cares as long as everyone
is jolly for ten days who cares
what will come later on.
Remember when we were
children and a sock was hooked
on a real or fake chimney, we
just couldn't wait to sneak down
and see what was in it for us.
An orange, a few dimes, some
chocolate and a couple of warm
socks & scarf.  Boy were we
happy and carefree. 
Today everyone has almost everything
and still some children are maltreated,
famished, old people are lonely and
forgotten, but the SUV is right on the
front yard, but not to go and see these
lonely souls, or sick children, they are
there just for the parties and vacation.
Wishing everyone to never get old or sick
because only then you will realize how
good you had it.                   

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