

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Wish upon a cloud


Will a wish upon a cloud bring me something?
What could I wish that mother nature could
be king and gentle enough to me.
I'm sitting down on a grassy patch in a city park
looking at the sky and day dreaming about 
absolutely what I could expect from the sky.
A shy sunray caresses my face and I feel happy
to be alive, while a gentle breeze softly moves
by gray hair and shows all the highlights of 
my graying status to the world to see. I do not
care anymore if the world will say "who is that
old lady and why does she enjoy life under
such a gorgeous blue sky with gentle giants trees
showing the old leaves putting on their best parure
to the world.  I'm not a painter so I can't render
full homage to the beauty that my eyes are feasting
on.  But all presents are short lived and before I know
it I have to leave this paradise oasis and return to
the reality of life that is waiting for me....

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