

Monday, January 16, 2023

Cheap life

When you call a human being a friend
without meaning it, then you are 
cheating life.
You profess your love, 
then stab them in their back, 
that's criminal.
You put on a pretty face, sweet words
to better murder another life.
What is LIFE worth for you?
It's a cheap commodity under your
dirty hands.  It doesn't create a dent
in your mind that you are right and
everyone else is wrong if they don't
adhere to your thinking.
We reached a point where we all
cry for justice, but there's no justice
available for the pettiness we show
for ourselves and others.
We promote individuals hoping in
their fairness without thinking they
are just as unfair to this world but
they are excellent actors in convincing
of their rightness to the world, but
do not try to comprehend their reasoning
you would loose the little justice that
you are hoping for...
Money is the EVIL of evil  and no one
wants to hear it....  

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