

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A gift - the end

Finally the puppy made it to it's destination.
Some people were happy to give it to it's
new owner wishing both the child and the
puppy to be friends, work together and
eventually both have a successful future.
At times nature makes it's own good deed
I just wish these animals were more
well regarded and treated also.
It takes people to train them and a patience
of a saint.  These dogs have a job to
accomplish, once trained they deliver
the very best of themselves.  Maybe one
day we will get the rest of the story and
the outcome of this young child and his
beloved puppy.
Thank you for reading me and hope
to be around for the update.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

The gift - continued

Normally a puppy can't travel before 12 weeks old.
The paper work, the signature from vets,
all the shots and how to secure safe trip of such
a long distance.
Vets advised that the puppy could not go in the
luggage area of the plane, so it needed a place
in the plane.  In economy it's too crowded
for a young puppy, maybe just maybe in the
business class, but the passengers in that area
how would they react... it's still an animal
that needs attention, needs to walk and do
also dog's business.
He needed a human to take care and keep him
calm and quiet for the hole 10 - 11 hrs.
Soly curiosity was boundless, from inside
the airport, people looked at him, children
wanted to pet him, but like any other puppy
he only wanted to jump, run, hide, play and
chew of shoes, with his huge brown eyes
and waging tail he was the star at the gates,
launches & marveled at the amount of people
around him.
Were should they put this unusual passenger,
on a seat by himself that's for sure.  He had
his own meal ready, a diaper on all the time
so as not to make a mess and a warm blanket.
After a few hours of flight, when people rest,
Soly was just fantastic, quiet and sleepy, not
a sound from him.
Soly made it to Vancouver safe and sound,
one day to rest from the long flight and
familiarizing himself with the new owners
and trainers.
Nanou's parents will bring Soly to the hospital
on the 24th around 10:00 p.m. in a Santa's
gift bag & pray that their son will react positively
to the puppy.

To be continued on December 25th .....

A gift - 7,971KM

Yes my dear reader you are seeing right
a gift from 7,971 km away.

A child who'se parent had promised him
a puppy, a very special puppy who takes
good care of sick children landed with two
problems on their hands in mid october of
this year 2017.
The parents are not poor but not richest
also.  When the little boy Nanou 5 year old
one morning could not talk or walk anymore.
Parents taught it was one of his tricks not to
go to daycare, this child was partially blind
and deaf. So after a few hours parents and
guardians got worried (he was a very active
child notwithstanding is minor visual and hearing
problems).  Local doctor could not figure out
the dilemma in front of him.  After a numerous
string pulling with other colleagues & a few
batteries of tests, shots, food forcing, doctors
still could not find out the problems.
Take your child at home while we figure out
the outcome of my mountain of research from
around the world.
At home Nanou laid in his crib motionless,
parents taking turn to stay at his bed side.
Nanou kept to his bed and doctors were trying
a million ways to find his problems.
During a night, mother had just closed her eyes
from fatigue, Nanou started laughing, laughs
that almost scared the mother, and he kept laughing
laughing laughing with tears sliding is chubby face.
"Why are you laughing Nanou, please tell me so
that I can join you in your laugh..." Nanou finally
calmed down and told a strange story to his mother.
He had seen a puppy in a strange land where he
Nanou did not understand a word.  It was in a house
where a little girl had written a book to her friends
and then bad men came and killed her.  In the book
there was a puppy who made other children feel good
and they all had an happy life.  Nanou kept to his bed
and doctors were trying a million ways to find his
From Nanou's description
they identified it as a German Shepherd.  Father knew a
friend in Germany who breeded this type of dog for
sick & handicapped children and decided to get
it from his friend overseas.
Soly is a puppy of 10 weeks old,  now how do we get
him to arrive in a city that is at 7,971 km away.
Parents & friends were figuring out a way to get
the puppy for Christmas as a surprise gift for Nanou
hoping to get him out of is bed....

To be continued tomorrow.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Be always on the alert

What a lousy Sunday today.
First time that I went out for a
photo shoot in a while & everything
went wrong.
Sky was overcast, so no sundown
no sun reflections on the water,
not even seagulls to keep me company.
The river was flat and lifeless,
so you could not hear the river's
song.  I was miserable and cold,
took about 50 to 60 shots that
seemed not too bad, but boy was
I fooled.
All had noise, my lenses was dirty,
just flat shots good for nothing.
That will teach me to check out
the cleanliness of the lenses,
that the weather will cooperate
and that at least birds and seagulls
are around to keep me company.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Wise judgments or...

I'm impartial to each nations or faith to
celebrate their believes.
Guess being of a certain age
some of my views tend to turn
towards what I was brought up with.
Good or bad, believer or not,
the generation gap seems to widen
in today's world.
From names to songs,
from libertines to stricter worlds,
from songs that we taught were
harmless and everyone sang,
now they are on forbidden lists to
use or sing.
Were are the values and what are we
teaching the younger generation.
The holder generation is speechless
and at times wishes they were not
around to see the mess WE modernized
generation have, are and will create.

You be the judge and hope that our
judgments are wise....

Friday, December 7, 2018

Priceless dream

I had a dream
so exceptional
as to just dream.
When a dream
becomes reality
not all is beauty
but I will keep on
dreaming, it's
free and I can't
get hurt since it's
only in my dream
that all is possible,
A dream is like
floating water,
one moment it's with
you the next it has ran
So I only ask to dream
another minute before
all fades away...

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Autumn feelings

NB: This photo belongs to Mr. Roland R Kemler

Let the rustle leaves of autumn sing to me,
the gentle breeze blowing scents reach my
senses and running water chants it's
melancholic tune break through my
foggy brain.
Let's dance the autumn waltz
that bends the boughs of trees, leaves under
our frenetic steps with the yellow harvest
coloring reflected in our eyes for the
squirrels & lonely birds to watch and
laugh at us.
The sky painted streaks of blue with rosy
blush, crimson reds and yellow hues along
the cricket's tune reflects the world's
symphony, of scents and harvest moon over
starry eves and songs of destiny,
it's our world with autumn's vibrant majesty
for you and me to cherish & preserve
for eternity.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Californian friends

To my Californian friends
I did not dare to even try to
reach you people.
Believe me not because I did
not think of you.
In the hard time that you are
still going through, it was not
the moment or the place to
reach you.
You guys had enough to worry
about and I pray that your losses
are only material. 
Material losses can be replaced
but not lives.
On this American "Thanksgiving Day"
I wish I could have been there with you.
Please do not despair, but give
thanks for your life.
Will get in touch, once I hear from you.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


NB: This photo taken from Internet - should owner not
be in showing agreement, please just let me know I
will take it down. Thank you.

Why have I taken this retro photo?
I have 3 great-great aunt who early 1900 left their
mountain village in south-east of Italy and try
their fortune in the "America", land of wealth and
opportunities, so it was said, by people who had
managed to go there but for a reason or another had
to return back home.  At least those who made it back,
in those days people had to sell their bodies,soul and
minds to be able to more from one country to another.
Most families struggled to let go of their husbands,
sons & daugthers who were left behind would pray
to see them again or hoped to see them alive.
Those who came back were either sick beyond
possibilities of recovering their health, whatever
economies they did would not be enough to cure
them back  in their home country.
Poor people looked upon as slave they were
looked upon as aliens.  Most wanted to turn around
but without money for the passage, they had no choice
than to bear it.  Their lives were regarded as non humans
beggars and as such maltreated.
Slowly, working, begging, slaving, they made some
progress and organized themselves for the future of
their children, forgetting they already had a family
at the old country.
Now here I am looking, searching, digging, into their
lives, questioning who they were, when did they arrive,
how was their lives, did they suffer, had they a chance
to laugh at times, or was it always misery day in - day out,
do I still have roots in the old country or was it all
destructed by the two world wars, a heart quake or a natural
How can someone search for that passage of time if I do
not even know their births,marriage, death dates. 
Can or do I have a right to know it...
Mainly all this search is to find out
and where do
surely not to judge them of their past actions
that impacted my life today.

Monday, November 19, 2018

No peace

Let me wonder why,
yes wonder of peace
non existence.
True we all proclaim ourselves
child of peace, but to what
avail, since we keep killing
Some of us who believe in
peace are discouraged from
believing in it.
We only need to look at our
own families to see the
non existence of peace.
I stopped asking myself if
the word still has a meaning
or if with time it's just part of
a vocabulary found in books.
I do hope for the sake of the
new generations that
still has it's original meaning.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Madness is a great word.
It's a state of mind of genius,
misunderstood by peers.
It attaches to you and holds
you tightly.
You can't shake it out,
but true madness is seen
only by others and not by you.
You have great days and not so great,
you fear the night and despise the day,
Left alone you cope,
but in company
you hate it.
Who is more mad,
the world.
Maybe if the so called normal person
would stop and think twice
he would not judge and just let you
live your life.
Between you and me
we are both mad to try to prove the
other state of mind.


Saturday, November 10, 2018

100th year

"Like a bright star sleeping
on a shadowy and clustered field,
now you know that you
are always believed in.
Wherever you lay silently
today is your day,
your fellow friends and families
are crying for you.
Time is passing
but not forgotten
we easily turn the page
on those days knowing
our hearts are still bleeding
for you my friends,
please make space for me
now that time is calling
me to finally join you
after all these years..."

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The flag

It might be just a translation from an Italian writing
and a little bit early, but please read it and if
you are like this person who has lost someone,
please just go & talk to them, I'm positive that they
can hear our taught and words.

"I can't seem to shake this solitude,
that follows me through taught and sorrow,
days keep following one another and
they do not get brighter.
My despair is visible and unshakable
to the eyes that follow me.
I kept on walking, running, slowing down
praying to find you but to no avail.
My feet took me over rivers and ponds,
mountains and forests, rainy days and
hot days but they remained empty and
Were are you,
who is your companion,
are you ok,
do you at times think of me.
I remember autumn was just over,
with trees shaded of their green dresses,
that you eyes met mine who where shinning
like gold diamonds, your lips so softly
touched my wet cheeks, some leaves
were dancing around us, even the sky was
changing color, a light drizzle was falling,
when a detonation  took you away without
leaving me a piece of you.
I can sit here and wait, wait and wait,
but only this tiny flag knows where you and
your beautiful smile is, bur for sure not here with me.
Rest wherever you are, I will be back and with
tell you what I do in trying to find you
every day of my remaining life...

NB: This image is from a local cemetary and
hope not to offend the memory of these young
people.  Should (You) object to see it here, please
let me know & I will take it down.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


This is an example of my heart
falling apart with no remedy
of healing. It was hole, valuable,
loved with the exception
of material matters
that my surroundings
figures it as invaluable.
Why is that,
no changes took place
just stupidity of humans
who don't value
well being of others.
Now fallen and in pieces
not amendable
I will just let course of
life take over and rest
in peace away from malice,
tears and STUPIDITY.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Tonight is my night, 
my toughts,
my fears, 
my joys.
I'm different by day,
by night I console
with my shadow.
Will I feel better
having spent the night
all alone.
Who cares what I feel,
at times I don't care myself.
I write words following words,
pages are full of words,
I, myself can't understand.
Do I dream, sure like everyone,
do I scream - sure people do it.
Do I love - who knows because
I do not know about love.
My stony heart does not bleed,
my eyes do not see,
but my lips are the joy 
of HE who comes and kiss them
I wander why since tonight I'm
feeling like a cold stone...

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The resting angels

In my continuous search on statues
I have seen some gorgeous ones,
let it be new ones or old ones,
in clay or bronze, colored or
discolored by time, but in reality
the one that hit me hard with 
shear beauty was a very small angel
sitting on a piece of broken cement
by unknown person who did not 
have anything better to do, this
little statue was located in a huge
section of a great cemetery when
rest babies that have not seen the
light of the day, felt the wind on
their tiny faces or the arms of
loving parents.  This nagged me for
a few days and wandered how I 
was going to let the world know,
that Angels on tiny graves are to 
be admired and cherished for their
meaning on a piece of cement or 
a tiny grave. 

Saturday, October 13, 2018

To my friend

A friend (he or a she)  is the most valuable
possession one can have.
It will listen to my follies or cry
with me, he will hold my hand
or just rest his head on my stiff
shoulder.  He might not understand
my ranting but he will take away my
pain or anger and make it his.
He can stand and hold me when
I'm week or bring me back to earth
when I'm flying to high.
Oh dear friend who stands at my side
and counts the stars with me so that I
don't loose myself in sorrow, wiping
my tears one by one just so that I do not
smudge my mask.
He will freeze to the bones and won't
say or rush me into a warm place while
I'm playing around a poorly lit road,
he just wait for my sense to come back
and then and only then he will follow
me, put me to bed and stand guard
for fear of leaving him alone, we are
a pair and pairs are there until the end....

PS: I lost my friend today to a high hand
that came, taking him in another world
were I hope friendship is available.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Sun last cries

The sun and it's last cry
over the valley it lies.
He is tired of running
from mountain to mountain
never meeting a place to
lie down.
Clouds are his friend
following him in his run,
he hides in darkest moments,
or shines along the blue
Trees don't stop him or
least of all they accompany
him.  When in the valley is
reaches he warms up the soil
and cold springs, to timidity
of the fragile mountain flower
grows and sways always turning
towards the great ball up
on the mountain tops.
Strong features creates the
most fantastic shadows on the
flanks of rocky hills or break
through cottony clouds to give
light at the opposite side of
the world.
Let the sun dance and freely
joyride the world at his feet
I would join him if I was a
sun myself....

Monday, September 24, 2018


Good evening to all,
recently I noticed that either on tv 
or newspapers there is a certain 
amount of interest in children with
down syndrome.
I was fortunate to work (taking photos)
of a 2 year old child who was born with
this condition.  As a matter of fact my
own niece was like that but for other
issues only lived 8 months. 
These children are extremely intelligent
and do not know the difference between
them and the so called normal human world.
He was funny, he was curious, 
he just learned how to crawl and kept
going so fast that I had a little trouble
keeping up with him and feared for my
One instant he was happy then he would
stop and look at me as if I was the one
who was stopping him from being a child.
I making faces to make him laugh did not
work too well, but the moment I played his
game of hide and seek he was an angel for
my camera.  He even offered me his meal
of cereals then with one hand he just threw all
in the air as if saying you do not like my food...
I could see the strong personality in him, but
at the same time I could feel the sorrow of his
mother and the hardship that she knew awaited
her.  A young woman who loved that child 
it was evident but the sadness, the tiny specks 
of rage could be seen in her eyes when no one
was looking at her.  I will never tell this young
mother "I'm sorry I know how you feel...", 
it's a lie because I'm not in her situation and I
do not know how she feels deep inside.  
I admire all parents who care and love these
children and wish them all the best that life
can give them all. 
I will not publish a photo since I feel it is not
in me to show this young human without the
permission of the mother.  
Again I admire all of you, mothers & fathers
for affronting this challenge. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Time does not change,
evolution is unstoppable,
from cavemen to   
universe exploration,
one never ceases to be amazed
by generations gone by and futuristic.
Leonardo the visionary could
just imagine what was behind is eyes.
Columbus the fearless kept going on,
not knowing his future.
Men of great visionary either
perfected the world or just destroyed it.
They were the dreamers.  Today,
with all the technological instruments
in our hands we create unbelievable
dreams that would have sounded
crazy to our ancestors. 
New bodies, limbs, brains and FACES.
Would I subject myself to such,
I do not believe so, since I'm part of the
dreamless generation that is stuck between
the old and the future, but can hardly accept
the present.

My dear reader, do not take offense in
my thinking of being of the silent dreamless

Monday, September 3, 2018

When my bones protest...

I'm part of the older generation emigrated
in the mid-1950...
Wowww that's old you will say!
I learned the old traditions from my grandmother
my mother too busy at work because we came here
with a carton suitcase, a few clothing items and
lots of hope to make a life in "America", because
we did not make the distinction between the
USA and Canada then.
So every end of summer we have to make homemade
tomato concentrate, peppers either pickled or roasted
and frozen.  Not to forget that later on there is the
cabbage and the wine, at times we make cheese and
some sausages.
This past weekend it was the 15 bushels of tomato concentrate
Well let me tell you it's backbone braking, first wash tomatoes,
then boil them for 5 minutes, then let them drip, pass them
in a cruncher, have the 1 litre jars ready & fill them.
close them tightly and then we have to boil them in
huge pans and let them cool in that water after 30 boil.
But who invented all this work? mind you the difference
when you do your sauce is noticeable from any junk that
you buy in stores.  Roasted peppers 2 bushels, peel them,
clean and let them drip.  Then make portions in zip locks
and freeze them, in winter one medium size pepper costs
$2.00.   Hey life is what it is & being a pensioner need to
save some pennies.  So for this year, my peppers
and tomato concentrate is DONNNNEEEEEEE.

So now I can return to my pass time (writing) or at least
put down some words and ideas & associate it with my
photos until it's time for more back breaking work.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

In our old age

Tonight flipping through the TV
that I usually never watch, there
was a movie. So what's the joke
you will say...
It was situated in Verona, Italy
the city were supposedly
the story of Romeo & Juliet
took place.  The romantic tragedy
written by William Shakespeare.
Are we such a society that still
believes in these fairy tales or would
you go there and leave a message
just under the famous balcony
professing your lost love in today's
time and maybe hoping for a different
ending then the poor Romeo & Juliet...

Shhhhhh don't tell but I would love to
go and see it for myself & just read
those love notes left on Juliet's home
but the cream of the cream it's if you
put your hand on her right breast, then
you will be blessed in your love life,
if you already do not have it .
Ahhhhh L'Amour toujour l'Amour.     

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Any logic...

Is there any logic in what we see
and do......
At times we strongly believe in what
we believe we see,
to realize that it was
a figment of our fantasy.
Just play it, thank you
and questions yourself if
what you see is reality or
just a fantasy.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Silence is gold

Why this title and why this image?

I just got some horrific news from
the old continent, twisted tongs
enjoying burning me and family to
the ground.
My soul revolts to such behavior,
a behavior that is one side views.
I don't believe in curses but then I
wish I knew a deadly curse.
If you are a church person, how can
you and with which authority you
amuse yourself in defaming not
only me but my hole family. 
Do I keep my mouth shut and pretend
having heard nothing, do I bury my
head and heart in the sand and go on
as if nothing is going on. 
I do not believe I can take it any longer,
but being a non violent person, I will
ignore these two tonged individuals
and hope (since I don't pray any longer)
that all is said and done against
their family will come and hunt them
and their descendant for eternity....

PS: look at this image and hope you
see what I saw while composing it.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

You, me and nature

only a trial for now, hope to have more ideas

to complement this type of work. 
Thank you to all who come & look
at my work.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Why me...

The famous WORDS heard
over and over.
"Why me..." when we don't feel
good.  When jealousy attacks our
hearts and mind.
At times only because we don't
feel like putting an extra effort
or simply because one is lazy.
Why - perche, pourquoi,por qué yo,
γιατί εγώ,warum ich,
words that are learnt at an early
stage in our lives and that we can't
seem to shake them out of our mouths,
Me - me as a baby, as a child, teenager,
young adult, parent, middle aged,
old and super older.
I have known a beautiful lady
who 45 years ago helped me get up
after I fell down in my garden & could
not manage to get up.  I was 8 months
pregnant (luckily) the baby was not
harmed in the fall, but this lady came
to my rescue, took a hose and made me
drink some water, washed by face,
helped me to my feet and then called
for help.  She never said a word,
I never said a word, but we understood
the critical situation and acted quickly.
Today this lady is 109 years old,
my son is 45 years old, I just wish I
could say to her 'THANK YOU', because
in all these years I never saw her again,
she fell sick and never came back home
but I know she still is alive and does not
recognize anyone from 45 years ago, after
helping me she had a stroke...
I had a lucky stroke with her helping me,
but her stroke was not so clement towards her.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Running clouds

Let the wind softly sway
the grass at the foot of
the majestic mountains
shadowed by the running
The whistling wind is no
stranger to these parts.
A lizard will adventure
and breed a second of
respite reassuring himself
that no birds are around
the sturdy mountain flower
laughs off is thirst knowing
that is time is up, the sun
is the stronger giant in
the dry plains at the
foothills of the mountain...