

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The angel's path

Like a child I'm following a bright light
way tucked in the city for him to follow,
no luggage is necessary to follow the
bright light.  Oh if only one could just
up and go, but like always there's no
fixed time so we shall follow the path
only when our time comes.
Don't feel bad if halfway you or someone
else decides for you to turn back at the
beginning of the path since there is no
space for you to follow yet.
I do want to become an angel but only
when the time is right and not one second

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Fur and Feathers

From an old story told me as a child,
only today I can relate it with this
photo collage that I have done in these
few days....

Up in the mountains the fur was the enemy
and the feathers were soldiers fighting the
enemy.  Hope you can make out the fur and
the feathers.

Child's mind....

Note: Sorry for not finishing this story, but the
boy who was extremely sick just left our earth
and joined the angels in another world, where
no pains exists, no tears flow down tiny faces,
no need to be poked and probed by humans
who would give their own life if it would save
one of these angels stay a while longer among
their loved ones.
Our two little ones, deep down, sensed that the
grown-ups were lying to them about their
friend being gone during the night when no one
was around to play with him.  When you see
and empty bed just a little bigger than a crib,
being scrubbed and the hole room sanitized
you just know that it's not normal.  But nature
knows how to ease the pain and sweeten the
feelings of sadness for which children are
capable of.
Grown ups to loose a child it's almost the end
of the world, you ask yourself: "Why him, just
why him who had not started a life yet.  Why
not take me instead that I have lived and maybe
do not wish to live anymore for fear of getting
old, sick, foolish or even non descriptive among
the living in today's world.

So this story ends here, and maybe one day
I would want to talk to these two children left
and hopefully will alive to tell me what they
really felt deep down when they saw the empty
bed next morning....

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Child mind...

Now let's see where I stopped with our two little friends.

First of all they had to pull their underwear up otherwise
the nurse will scold them and separate them.
To celebrate this accomplishment they did a "high 5",
just like their orderly did with them.
Now Mil who is a little more mischievous tells his twin,
"we have to made a flower to give to the very sick child
can you think how Mommy used to make one for us
when we were very small?
O I remember said Mel we go in the bathroom and find
20 rolls of paper and then we can made 20 flowers.
Mil said: how we're going to hide all that paper and
how we going to color it, all white flowers is not very nice.
Mel says OK just let me think while a nurse was looking
at them and wandering what they were up to...
The dragon nurse approached the little guys and said
It's time to check you both and then I will give you some
candies and will bring you for your inside tummies pictures.
Mel had to give Mil one of his kidney and both children had
to be in perfect shape before the big day (3 days later).
In unison said "OK".
now they knew where to get the paint for the flowers, from
dragon nurse's desk where a can of coloring was kept to
spray on parts of small children to get them used to the
light and shapes of ultrasound tests.
They started to giggle and holding their underwear trotted
to their room.
Like all children around the world they have an extra fine
hearing and could hear the little guy two rooms  down
moaning from pain.  The look at each other and on tippy
toes go and investigate.   The friend had a very bad day in
the pain department he was red from high feaver and
shaking, slowly, so slowly they approached and wispeared
"Can we give you a hug and maybe you will feel better?
the other child could not even acknowledge and just turned
toward the window, where a sparrow was looking inside
and kept turning it's head". A nurse came running and hushed
the twins away telling them they could not stay there, that
their friend needed peace and quiet and could not play with
them,  With sad eyes, their joyfulness evaporated in a fraction
they turned & went back to their rooms, climbed into their
low crib and put their thumbs in their mouth and in their
way I guess must have felt that their friend  would not be
there for much longer.....

To be continued....                                

Friday, July 8, 2016

Child's mind

What does a child sees in a mural not
painted by adults but by other children
who are worst off than they are?
Two small twin children, just came out
from a very sick little boy, they both had
a lost look on their faces, but no tears
streaming down from sky blue eyes
until they advanced 10 baby feet out of
the room.  Both looked at each other and
just looked as if they had seen a ghost.
Mil said to Mel "Why do you think
Red is white like my underwear and
his head looks like a colored watermelon".
A child thinking is not to be ignored but
rather understood, he knows that something
is wrong even if he can't give it a name.
Our two little fellows turned their attention
to a chalkboard and just started to draw,
nothing fancy, just lines, circles, dots and
so on. Until both stopped & looked at their
work.  They were amazed and mystified by
it.  Not by the quality or quantity, not for
artistic value or greatness but because it
was the expression of their feelings that they
couldn't convey to the adults. When you see
two toddlers looking from their achievement
to the room where the other child was confined
to his bed, they kept staring in the space and
their work, you can see the wheels turn, turn
and turn, what are they up to now...

Story to be continued.....

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Caring one another...

For all the men and women
who fight with their lives to protect me,
my parents,my children,
my home,my ways of life
and yours.
Soldiers who have blood running in
their veins do not hesitate to risk it for ME.
I admire your courage and expertise,
until you reach the enemy visible or
invisible full of dangerous situations,
you don't think of your own safety,
but rather the safety of your countrymen,
faced with danger or events on your path,
you will not turn your back on it.
I can't  even know or imagine what goes
through your mind, but I'm sure that fear and
safety is always on it.
Like this image (I don't know the
author of it) you look after your own and
the animals that might accompany you
on your missions and when it's time to
take a rest your first concern is making
sure that everyone is well covered from
all dangers  (in this case "the dog") and
your brother of arms.