

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The last flowers

A flower has feelings I believe.
Today I spent a couple of hours
just looking at flowers that bloom
in my garden.  Early morning rays
found some flowers still sleeping,
while others were just fully awake
and shining.  My eyes went
naturally to the sleeping flowers to
see their awakening and searching
for the warm sunrays.
The moon was still visible in the
blue sky, but this time my lady friend
the moon had not capted my full
attention.  No I had to see the
evolution of the flowers to life
for me to enjoy and write about.
I'm no fancy writer, I write what I
see not with my eyes but with the
heart to that's beats in me.
I will enjoy this phenomenon until
the flowers start to cause my allergies
waken up and then I close myself in
the four walls and not able to see
them before they just freeze in time....

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What I Found

When I need a spirit upload I direct myself to
great opera singers and their friends.  A full
collection of these artists lift my mood and
go back in time when life was simpler and
honest.  Sure quarrels existed between families
but they never lasted long or they would die
and not speak to each others for their living
This is what I have found that to me depicts
our strange world of today.

"Where is the justice in this world?
The wicked make so much noise mother
The righteous stay oddly still
With no wisdom
All of the riches in the world
Leaves us poor tonight

And strength is not without humility
It's weakness and untreatable disease
And war is always the choice
Of the chosen
Who will not have to fight...."

The Italian version goes like this:

"Dov'e la giustizia in questo mondo?
Mamma, i malvagi fanno cosi tanto rumore.
I giusti rimangono stranamente in silenzio.
Senza saggezza, tutte le ricchezze del mondo
ci lasciano poveri stasera. E la forza e nulla
senza umilta.
La debolezza una malattia incurabile.
E la guerra e sempre la scelta degli eletti
che non devano combattere".

NB: Photo is mine and depicts the feelings one
gets when you look out of your soul.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

White feather

Not everyone with mortal eyes can see me,
my presence is felt from the sky for the one
with special eyes.
I can run or float around and around in the
blueness of the skies and still only a few
will track me down. Do not fear to search
my signals, but rather just watch me frolic
around and maybe just maybe catch the 
feather intentionally lost and dropped for you.
Look down around the fields of grass or
the shinny windows for that feathers will
make your instances worthwhile since
there will be many white,  fluffy
feathers to tell you that an angel as blessed
you and will be back to embrace you with
all it's might....

Saturday, August 13, 2016


In the full darkness of the night,
taughts assaulted my loneliness,
like a book turning it's pages all by itself.
No worries, easy life, chasing
unfulfilled dreams of my past
with the hope of beating everyone
else in reaching these without
a sweat.
Life had a different story for me
full of falls, demons,sadness and
once in a while a joy as a consolation prize.
You can't stop the crumbles of
your life, just as you can't stop
those dark moments running freely
in your mind. You can hide behind
dark glasses but you can't stop
tears falling around your face,
there's too many falling at an
excessive speed, but then if
asked why, you will say that it's
because of specks of dust hitting
your eyes.
A slight, faint light appears at
the window and suddenly your
life seems less heavy. You know
that light brings daylight and
after the darkness and sadness
you will rejoice in the morning
light that brought you back from
the darkest moments of the night.
O stars say good morning to the sun
that comes to warm me up and show
me that life is worth living after all.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Storms they are so many,
starting from the one that explodes
in my head every night.
I look at the dreams and try
to make sense. Storms are
frightening, but after the storm
there's always a bright light to
console me.
The sky becomes dark, menacing,
my eyes tell me that a bright
star shower will follow and I will
feel the purity of the earth cleansed
right after the storm.

Untill you say YES

Like two lovers we are alone
we feel the world is all ours,
you keep your distance from me,
I keep my distances from you.
Slowly, so slowly our eyes are
searching themselves not being
used to this feeling of strangeness
that we are trying to show the world.
Oh how I miss your dancing eyes
reflecting mine in them. I head and
my heart aches at this distance we
seem to have fallen.  Far away
little dancing stars keep coming and
going from the horizon to our feet and
still we pretend to be an ocean apart.
O my love and only love what can I
say to reach you and make you mine
again.  My arms ache at not encircling
you, my hands a frozen from not caressing
you, my hole body is revolting and me
poor keeper of this body have to refrain
because YOU are still thinking of me as
a stranger in your life.  Dearest love of
mine just put me out of my misery and say
that you will be mine so that I can shout it
to the sun, the dancing stars on the water,
to the birds so they can join us in our
happiness.  Untill you say YES, I will not
be me and I will be just the shell of a
human man.....