I got my desktop pc back, boy did I miss it!
But my greatest gift came from an e-mail that
I received on the 25th from a friend that I had not
heard in the past year. I did not want to disturb
due to some serious problems this person had.
So you can just imagined my joy when I managed
to finally set up my pc and open the e-mails.
I felt like an happy scrooge (since I did not
contact the person for the year) but what a joy....
Now I want to thank all the e-mails I received
with suggestions, ideas, good wishes for my
old friend desktop computer recovery. I guess
now that we changed a few (50%) of it's components
and put in my windows 10, I should be OK for
quite a while.
Thanks also to the people who come and read or
just look at what I try to write down just as it
comes out of my head with no retouching.
Thank you FRIENDS for supporting me and at
times my unorthodox writing.