

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Letter to my nonni.

"Good evening or should I say good day...
Today one second your are
on one continent, the next
moment you are thousands
of miles away..."
Why do I write this. I came
across an old photo that I did
not know I possessed of a
great grandmother that I remember
like a faded dream & this photo is
so faded that I can barely see her.
She was not very tall or very slim
but she was not too heavy either.
This lady was my doctor, my nurse,
she was my mentor and guardian,
she would rock me to sleep and
always had an apple, a chestnut or
a piece of bread for me.  Did I cry
or was it her tears that ran over my
face when I left the village hidden in
the mountains to come to this land
of snow and ice, that too I can't
remember, but now that I know what
she looked like after to years that I did
not see her (she died at the ripe age of
94) in the early 1960'. 
Nonni hope that you will forgive me
for not remembering your features but
I was only a small child and now that I
am a grandmother I try to follow in your
footsteps with my own granddaughters...

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